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I didn't struggle at all now surprisingly as he escorted me to the back of the building. My eyes were stinging and throbbing from all the crying I was doing and my body felt so limp and weak. My knees and hands were shaking but I'm not sure why. Fear maybe.

The man soon took his hand from my mouth in realization that I wouldn't be making a move anytime soon. Now, he was controlling me by squeezing my arm and tanking me along.

He pushed the door open with an unnecessary amount of force and we were now out side. No matter how terrible the situation, it felt good having the warm air on my skin again. I had no idea where we were headed or why but it didn't matter to me anymore.

Just then, the sound of patterned, fast paced footsteps echoed from the side of the building. They got louder and louder until my mother finally appeared as she came around the side of the gas station.

At first, the man didn't seem very frightened and didn't loosen his grip at all until the other men she was accompanied by appeared a moment after her. They both wore blue uniforms, obviously police.

My heart fluttered when I saw my dad and brother, Jake appear from behind the police men. Jake was crying along with my mom. My dad was trying his best to hold the tears back, but instead just looked constipated. In my opinion anyways. I knew exactly why they were crying--Raeden.

Soon enough, one last police man came from the back door of the gas station carrying a girl wearing a blue top and orange pants.

The small group of cops abruptly took me away from the man fairly easily and over to safety near Jake. The cop with Rainbow in his arms set her down gently on the ground. His face held a slight look if hope because it was c,ear she was actually still breathing.

The bearded man was now driven away in the cop car but as he drove past me out of the little gravel area of the back of the building, he looked right at me and mouthed the words, "See you later." Then he was gone, but the cop sirens were still blaring around in my head.

Now, we were all gathered around my sister, just hoping and praying she'd be alright. The police had already arranged for an ambulance because she didn't have much time.

Jake looking at me, saw my pink, puffy eyes and slipped his arm around my shoulders.

The ambulance pulled up into the gravel area only moments later, making cracking noises under their tires. Working in a bustled hurry, I watched the workers hopped out of the vehicle and pulled the stretcher out of the back. Moving passed us, they all helped each other to get Rainbow to the portable bed as quickly and gently as possible.

Family was always allowed to accompany the wounded member in the back of the ambulance truck and thats what we did.

We eventually reached the E.R but I was so dazed in the heat of the moment that I couldn't remember the trip there at all. Jake was sweating and crying profusely and it looked as though he might hurl at any moment.

The stretcher was pulled from the back of the truck and was loaded into the hospital building and into a hospital room. I notice as we head all head inside behind the rushing workers rolling the stretcher, that the sun had gone down quite a bit since we started the ride here.

We stayed the night there at the hospital of course. We still had yet to find out if there would be any ray of hope for my sister.

We weren't allowed in her room while the doctors and nurses were operating as expected but afterward, they invited us in. After kneeling at the beside of Raeden to pray for awhile, Jake and I got settled into the surprisingly comfortable hospital chairs and soon began to doze off. It had been a long day.

Not sure why exactly but for whatever reason, I felt something in my stomach. Fear maybe? But whatever the feeling, it made me tremble as I lost consciousness.

Whatever tomorrow held would be anything but good, I just knew it.

Gas Station (Sequel To 'Seen')Where stories live. Discover now