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"Raeden should have came back already. What do you thinks taking so long?" My mother asked, starting to grow impatient. I know who my sister takes after.

"You know how girls are, Mom-they take forever just to buy a toothpick." I was still staring out the window when I had answered.

I watched as a tan Catilac pulled in a parking space about four cars down from us. A big man soon emerged.

He had an orange beard covering most of his mouth and he wore a huge black coat. The thick coat gave the illusion that he was a bigger man but he didn't look big in the face.

The man wasn't tall yet not short. He was average. I watched him for awhile but all he did is walk into the gas station.

I sighed to myself for I had hoped for at least a bit of excitement. Maybe if Beyoncé had pulled up with Nicki and PittBull then we'd have a party, but some middle aged bearded man wouldn't be so great of a party guest for someone my age.


We waited another fifteen minutes in the stuffy, unexciting car. Seriously though, how long does it take a person to put a pack of gum and some lip gloss in a bag?

The silence lasted another moment before it was broken with a great loud pop. I'd prayed instantly that nothing had gone wrong.

I'd heard that noise before. I knew it wasn't alright.

Without hesitating nor thinking at that, I kicked the door open and jumped out, instantly darting for the station entrance.

My mother made an unsuccessful attempt in the process to pull my jacket sleeve. I'd wanted to go back but I just pulled my arm out and quickly ran for it.

She kept screaming after me but I knew she wouldn't come with me.

As soon as I'd gone inside, the scene was terrifying. Shelves had been tipped over, leaving all the contacts scrambled on the floor. There were horrified customers and employees crouched behind the counter and others out in the open crouched as well on the floor.

I'd also noticed a hole in the ceiling. I'd also sadly seen a hole like that before-definitely a gun shot's doing. Dispite the scene, I'd also noticed a gun. Behind the gun, was the bearded man.

Unfortunate for me, he was well aware of my existence.

Screw the bell on the god damn door.

Gas Station (Sequel To 'Seen')Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon