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This was a moment of obvious crisis, any wrong move and I was a sure goner. The strangest thing though, was that the gunman had actually set the gun down on the check out counter and threw his hands up in surrender. The surprising thing was that he was still facing me.

I quickly look over my shoulder just in case but there were no cops or anyone at that.

I know I have an itty bitty, tiny little reputation of picking and, or ending fights with un-passionate punches but despite that, I don't see why that would have anything to do with someone as big as this bearded man. He shouldn't be scared at all, especially because he had a gun.

I took a step forward, he took a step back. Just them, it hit me why he was so afraid. My whole incident with Jay, Jake, and my dad had been on the news for weeks. Every last detail of the truth and then some, was broadcasted out everywhere in my area.

Ever since then, mom had adopted my sister, Readan. When I say "mom" Maggie's who I'm referring to, my real mother died last year due to a cancerous tumor. It's odd yet kind of cool that none of my current family is related by blood.

Now that the gunman was helpless without his weapon, I had the opportunity to take action but once I took just a single step, he caught on to the idea and of course, lunged for the gun again.

My back was towards the door but I was a decent distance in front of it. I had an idea.

Obviously, it would be absolutely fantastic if everyone got out safe unharmed and if I'd go back home with a healthy sister but unfortunately, in this particular situation, there wasn't any way. If there was, I wasn't aware of it at this time. There was however, a way to get over half of the customers out safely, maybe even more if my plan worked.

I motioned with my hand for all of the hostages to head for the door. The urgency in my movement let them know to hurry, not like they wouldn't have hurried anyways.

The gunman glared over my head and as I expected, clearly and easily noticed his hostages escaping. Also to no surprise, he made one quick shot at the crowd and screams filled the air as everyone poured out of the entrance.

I didn't bother to turn and see if the shot had harmed anyone. Instead, I quickly dropped to the floor, put his leg in the grasp of both my hands, and yanked it as hard as I possibly could. This all happened too fast for him to keep up with and he lost balance, frantically falling backward and dropping his gun.

It landed on the ground between us and I grabbed it before he'd gathered himself.

I figured this had been a long enough distraction for everyone to have an opportunity to evacuate the building.

I vowed never to mess with or take any action In the murder topic ever again ever since my incident so I didn't shoot him right then and there. Instead, I used this time to spin around and get at least a glance at the door to check for wounded people.

I realized by doing so, that not everyone had made it out.

There was a girl, lying there on the ground. She was so close to the exit that she could've escaped with just two more seconds, no doubt.

She had brown, gorgeous hair that fell just below her shoulder blades.

The saddest of all, was the fact that she was wearing bright orange skinny jeans with a blue top. I instantly blamed myself as tears formed on the bridge of my eyes.

I found relief in it all when I thought I'd caught sight of her abdomen move slightly as if breathing. Attempting to rush to her side, I tried just that but as I started over to her, the man cupped his hand over my mouth tightly.

To be entirely honest, I'd forgotten he had been there for a moment. The sight had gotten me terribly off course.

He made sure to knock the gun out of my hand in the process and dragged me forcefully to the far back of the gas station and out through the back door.

I was afraid, very afraid.

God, I wanted to cry, scream, even shoot this man so very badly, for he was the killer of my sister. A man, I shall never feel pity.

I tried yelling for my sister as I squirmed in his tight grasp. No words were able to escape my mouth, only muffled squeals.

Tears fogged my eyes and then finally fell. Trust when I say, it didn't get any better from there.

Gas Station (Sequel To 'Seen')Where stories live. Discover now