Highschool in Degrassi (4)

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Rays pov

Todays the day! I'm gonna ask her out! Before she may go to LaGuardia. At lunch she was in music praticing with the teacher & when she was on break, I walked in. She looked beautiful... as always. She smiled n I studdered.

Me: H-he-y B---re--a--na I-...... nevermind

Breana: Hey Ray... what's up

Me: Oh.... uh.... I.... uh.... um...

Breana: I have to ask u something

Me: Yea go ahead

Breana: Some boy writes me love letters & I wanna find out who he is. It has to be someone quiet. I would really like to meet this boy. He seems like the one & his love letters make me feel like a queen.

Me: Can I see one of those letters

She handed me one & I realized they were mine. I lifted up my eyebrows.

Breana: You know who it is!?!?! Tell me!

Me: I don't....... but I'll be back

I walk out the room and sit on the floor. I write another letter.

Dear Beautiful,

I woke up and knew ur beauty was adorn. I heard u wanted to meet me and I would love for u to. 2pm in the schools football field. Not are u only beautiful on the inside but the outside also. I hope u can see me the same way.


I went to her locker and slid the letter in. I hope she doesn't mind its me.

Prince pov

Jade and I were really cool. We spent a lot of time together and I was gonna ask her out soon. Jerry and Jack weren't here today but Ryan was. I was in the hallway & the bell rung. Everyone was on their way to class & so was I until Ryan blocked me in front my locker.

Me: Don't hurt me

Ryan: (moves the books from my hand) Hows it goin

Me: I did your hw

Ryan: Fuck tht hw crap, I want u gay boy

Me: I'm not gay

Ryan: Too bad

Out of nowhere he pressed his lips against mine. I struggled out of his grip as he entered his tounge inside. I kicked him where the sun don't shine n he fell on the ground.

He grabbed my leg n pulled me down also. He dragged me in the staircase n got on top of me. He unbuckled my pants n I stopped him. He pinned my hands down n kissed down my neck. "Get off me" I screamed. I heard a scream. Not mine. I looked up to c Jade. Ryan got off me n grabbed Jade.

Ryan: You say something and your dead pretty girl. Same for you Prince (walks off)

I fix my clothes and get upset. Jade hugs me & I tear up in the eyes.

Jade: Prince its okay (tears up)

Me: Jade thank you if it wasn't for you I wouldve been raped.

Jade: Its okay (wipes her tears) Ryans gay

Me: I guess so

Jade: I won't say anything bout.... this

Me: Plz don't

Jade: Come on lets go to class

As she got up I grabbed her arm

Me: Jade.... I really like u

Jade: I like you too bro

Me: No like like you. Look go out with me

Jade: Prince idk

Me: Plz

Jade: Okay (hugs me)

Jades pov

I was happy me & Prince were goin out. I loved him & that was all tht mattered. We walked to class & we were holding hands. I heared ppl say stuff like "I thought he was gay" "She go out with a faggot" or "Aww theyre cute". We took our seat & the class stared at us. I got up & stood on a table.

Me: Okay yes I go out with him. And he's not gay! That rumor about him sleepin with a guy & the pic on Instagram is a fake.

??: That pic is real

Me: And its a lie. I'm putting an end to this! Prince isn't gay or a faggot cause he likes Girls. (gets down from table & kisses prince)

The whole class claps.

Mr.J: Jade that was a good speech. Now plz lemme finish teaching.

I sit down & Prince puts his hands on my waist. I kiss his cheek & take notes.

Breanas pov

I went to my locker & saw the note. It was 1:56 & I ran to the football field. It was 2 & I saw some boy appear. Once I saw the shadow I realized the face. He hung his head down & I lifted it up.

Me: So ur my Anonymous

Ray: (moves my hand) Yea

Me: (smiling) I'm really happy to meet u

Ray: (looks on the ground) I know you really don't like me like tht but I like you... like that

Me: Ray you could've been honest with me

Ray: (puts hand in hair) I know. Breana I love you  and I would like to go out with you.

Me: Of course ray b (gco)

Ray: You won't regret it (kisses my hand n runss off happy)

I would love to go out with him but there was one problem. I was accepted to LaGuardia and I was leaving tomorrow night.

Highschool in Degrassi: Mindless Behavior, Jawan Harris, Jacob Latimore, etcWhere stories live. Discover now