Part 6

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Leda’s POV:

   “Holy shit…” I breathed after Gerard explained everything. I stood in the kitchen with him and we whispered so we didn’t wake up Percy, Pansy or the newly shifted Frank.

To sum everything up; Mikey almost got a lap dance from Poppy, Mikey got kicked out of a brothel place, Mikey and Frank fought some bouncers, Frank got beaten up bad, Mikey followed Poppy, Gerard searched for Mikey, Wren followed Gerard who followed Mikey who followed Poppy, Mikey found Poppy and thought Poppy was in love with someone else, Gerard found them, Wren found them, Wren almost fainted, Jenna and Fabio and Poppy’s kid showed up (oh my god), Mikey was confused, Wren broke down, Mikey is still confused, Wren fainted. Shit, that’s what you call a big night.

    “I don’t think Mikey has even realised that Freddie is his yet…” Gee shook his head slowly with a sigh and I swallowed before hugging him.

    “Wow… Don’t worry Gee, he will, he’s smart… Do you want to tuck Frank in and then we can go to bed?” I suggested, I felt tired just thinking about everything- what was really pounding in my head was the fact that they’d found Poppy…

Gee nodded, I smiled and we walked out. Gerard put a blanket over Frank who was on a mattress in the middle of the living room and a foot from Percy and Pansy who slept on the sofa. Maria and Ray had taken Frank to the hospital for a quick check up but he was fine, just a few cuts and bruises. It was early morning now so I was more tired than you could believe and I just wanted to turn my head off and stop thinking about everything that’d happened tonight.

I looked in Taffy’s room quickly, she was fast asleep. I smiled before heading to my room and slipping into bed, god, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Gee slipped in bed next to me and kissed me softly, “Night Leda… I love you.”

   “Love you too… Can we see Poppy and Freddie tomorrow?” I asked with a yawn and before hearing Gee’s answer my head was on my pillow and my eyes were shut.

Poppy’s POV:

I didn’t know what to think really… I had been hiding out all of these years and now my past had caught up with me. I was glad Gee had been there and been so calm about everything, like a real big brother… I felt so bad because I knew Mikey was so bloody confused and I couldn’t let myself tell him everything… I wasn’t sure why- and Wren, my poor sweetie… She had fainted and now she was on my sofa, asleep.

Jenna and Abi left only ten minutes ago and I tried to put Freddie to sleep, he liked all of the company tonight but was just as confused as everyone else. “Mommy, why was that man staring at me?” Freddie wondered and I pulled the covers up to his shoulders and shrugged.

    “His name is Mikey… He… I think you look like he used to when he was a little boy.” I mumbled and Freddie still looked confused but didn’t question me any more. He just watched my face, his beautiful hazel eyes forced me to smile.

    “I love you mommy… Nightie night.” He gave me a tiny smile that was so amazing when you saw it coming from a four year old boy. I kissed his forehead.

     “I love you too baby, I love you so much.” I hugged him before standing and turning his light off, I walked slowly into my living room. It was weird seeing Wren’s mess of red hair around her face and even weirder seeing Mikey putting a blanket over her.

It made my heart hurt. How could I have left those two? Any of them? How did I do it?

     “Do you think she’ll be warm enough?” Mikey wondered and I nodded.

     “Yeah… She’ll be okay, it’s Wren, so if she isn’t she’ll let us know…” I mumbled and couldn’t stop staring at Mikey and Wren. I swallowed, “Listen… Mikey, you know… You know Freddie is your’s?” I said it so quietly, I was so protective over Freddie and… Well, this was his dad, Mikey was his dad and I wasn’t sure if either knew it.

     Mikey nodded slowly and stood, “I… I sort of guessed that, he looks… He actually looks just like me when I was little…” I saw Mikey’s lips twitch up into a smile, was he glad he had Freddie as a son? “I should get going…” Mikey mumbled but before he could turn for the door I shook my head.

    “Don’t- please don’t go, I… I think I should explain everything to you, you deserve the truth.” My voice sounded like I was pleading and Mikey blinked once and nodded.

Mikey’s POV:

  Poppy and I sat on her bed, it was the only room we could talk without waking either Freddie or Wren… I couldn’t stop taking in every last detail of Poppy… She did look the same, but it was like after so long without seeing her I had almost forgotten some precious details.

She pursed her lips, “Do you want me to start from the start?” I nodded and Poppy nodded before looking to the green bed cover.

   “After our first time… A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant, I freaked out. I hated myself for it, I kept thinking that I was a slut even though it was just an accident… The only people I told were Abi and Jenna because I wasn’t sure what everyone else would think of me- I mean I hadn’t even turned eighteen and I was pregnant.” Poppy stopped for a minute before continuing, “I wasn’t sure what to do, whether I would have the baby or get rid of him… Abi convinced me not to get rid of him only a week after finding out I was pregnant, but I couldn’t tell you guys- I couldn’t face you and tell you I was pregnant, I still felt so slutty… So I left.”

  I shook my head slowly. I couldn’t drop the feeling that it was all my fault she had felt that way- I was the one who’d gotten her pregnant, I had ruined her teenager years, I had made her feel like a slut, it was all my fault. “I… I’m sorry, I should have been more careful.”

   “No, Mikey…Don’t be sorry, I won’t say I’m glad I got pregnant but I love Freddie, I am happy being his mom.” She smiled at me.

I nodded, “… He is beautiful… Who’s been his dad?” I asked, remembering how she’d said she loved someone else.

   Poppy shook her head, “No one. Abi s his uncle and Jenna his aunt but there is no fatherly figure for my baby boy.”

   “Who were you talking about-”

   “I was talking about Freddie, he’s who I loved. He is who I love, he is who I will always put before others.” Poppy said before I could finish and I swallowed, I actually felt relieved. I was sure Poppy saw the relief and she found my hand and held it.

    “I’m sorry for everything. I had no idea what I was supposed to do back then, but now all I have to do and be is Freddie’s mom.” I nodded and smiled to Poppy.

We laid down on Poppy’s covers next to each other and I kept her hand in mine, I didn’t want to let it go ever again. I looked into her blue eyes, in my head I was thinking over everything and making what was probably the biggest decision. “Poppy… I want to be Freddie’s dad, I want him to know I’m his dad and I want you to live with me… I want you to ditch this place and your job and live with me.” I whispered.

  Poppy’s eyes widened, the same way they used to. “I can’t-”

 I shook my head, “Poppy, you can… You know you can, you can focus on Freddie and not worry about work. I will look after you.” I promised and Poppy swallowed, I saw a sweet and happy smile touch her lips and her eyes teared up.


   “Okay?” I checked.

She nodded and a tear fell down her cheek and hit her covers, “Yes… Okay.” She laughed and I squeezed her hands in mine.

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