Part 14

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Hey dudes! I just want to say congrats to Miss Wrennie aka tears_of_13 who is a brilliantly amazing friend of mine and someone who just finished her first book in a fanfic series called 'So Long and Goodnight' it is amazing so read it if you ever want! CONGRATS SWEETIE!!! xx


Wren’s POV:

  We warmed up our lunch that we were now eating around dinner time, I had been waiting for the guys to complain about being hungry and start up the kids but it never happened… Too much excitement for them?

After dinner/lunch we put on The Nightmare Before Christmas and all of the kids sat silently and watched it, the guys joined them and they were all squished onto Leda’s sofa with their eyes glued to the TV. I was glad that movie never got old, we used to always watch it and now Pansy and Percy loved it just as much and also like to call Santa Claus ‘Santee Claus’.

   “What… What’s it like being married to someone who’s famous?” Emma wondered and dried a plate with a towel, at least she was helping out.

   “I don’t know, I’ve been married to Gee for over three years now but we knew each other way before the guys started the band… We all did.” Leda shrugged and Emma nodded, I guessed she was a little scared about being the half sister of guys who had their faces on TV sometimes.

   “It’s easy, I’ve only ever had one death threat. The hardest part is when they’re on tour.” I shrugged and Emma’s eyes widened.

   “Death threat? God.” She shook her head and looked to Poppy, “Do you think it’s hard being married to Mikey?” She asked and instantly her eyes widened. “-Sorry… Uh, I forgot you and Mikey aren’t married… God, sorry again.” She muttered, I looked to Poppy. Poppy nodded slowly but I could tell she was thinking about what Emma had just said, she knew and so did I, that if she hadn’t of left she and Mikey would be married now. That was it, those two would have been so happy like Frank and I but they weren’t… Poppy was just as confused as us over their relationship with one another.

    “Hey Popsicle, come and help me pick up the kids’ toys from outside.” I mumbled and poppy looked at me like she hadn’t really heard what I’d said but she still nodded. I walked outside with her and she picked up the soccer ball before I thought of something to say.

    “… What’s going on with you and Mikey?” I asked, Poppy pursed her lips, I probably wasn’t the first to ask but hopefully I was the one she knew what to say to.

    “I’m not sure…” Poppy shrugged and I nodded, “When you slept at my place we fell asleep holding hands and in the same bed and we’ve held hands once since then but I’ve been sleeping with Freddie… I… I miss him.” Poppy started tearing up and I hugged her before sitting us both on the grass.

    “Has he said anything about that sort of stuff?” I asked and Poppy shook her head.

    “Neither of us has, we are just putting Freddie first which is fine… But I still love Mikey Wren, I still love him and I want things to go back to the way they are… I wish I never left and that Mikey and I were like you and Frank…Or Gee and Leda or Maria and Ray.” She sighed and a tear escaped, I held her to me. We all wished that was the way it was, our priorities were always our babies and now second to that it was Poppy and Mikey.

    “Tell him Popsicle, you know if you tell him he will tell you how he feels and he hasn’t moved on since you. He’s had a few girlfriends, he’s only brought one to meet Gee but they broke up the very same night… He can’t get over you and if you just tell him you love him, whose to say things won’t go back to the way they were?” I sounded like a psychiatrist and if this was anyone other than Poppy, I’d be charging.

Poppy swallowed and nodded a little, “I want to… I think I will when the time is right.” She mumbled and I hugged her tight again.

Poppy’s POV:

  When it got a bit darker and The Nightmare Before Christmas finished I pulled Freddie up and he hugged me while I carried him, he was so tired the poor thing.

   “Guys, I think Poppy and I are gonna go home because Freddie’s tired.” Mikey yawned and stretched, he seemed just as tired.

Gerard nodded and stretched before Taffy was hugging his arm, “Sure Mikey… I’ll see you soon?”

    “Yeah, maybe not tomorrow but soon.” Mikey shrugged before smiling at everyone sleepily, “Night guys… It was good to meet you Emma.” He mumbled and Emma smiled before hugging Mikey and taking him by total surprise and then she hugged me and Freddie.

    “I’m glad I got to meet you guys.” She grinned before the kids were at Mikey.

    “See you late alligator!” Taffy grinned and Pansy danced around his legs while Percy just clung to his left leg.

Mikey drove us home and it got dark just before we got there, Freddie had fallen asleep in the back of the car and Mikey lifted him out while he slept- it was the sweetest thing, seeing Mikey carrying Freddie…

I unlocked the front door and Mikey carried Freddie to his bed before I tucked him in, “thanks.” I mumbled and Mikey looked a little confused.

   “For what?” He whispered as we walked out of Freddie’s room that was now filled with his stuff.

  “For giving Emma a chance, for carrying Freddie… For everything.” I shrugged and smiled a little before boiling the kitchen jug. It was weird how much his house seemed like mine after only a week.

I started making Mikey a coffee and swallowed, “Mikey, I… Umm…” I stopped, sure I could say this. I used to always say this, I meant it too… Why couldn’t I say this?


   “Umm… I think that Emma is a nice girl.” I mumbled with a shrug and hated my own lying, Mikey nodded slowly and I gave him his coffee.

    “She seems nice enough… I’m still angry at my dad though.” Mikey shrugged and took his glasses off before rubbing his eyes and putting them back on.

    “You have every right to be… I’m kind of tired, I’ll go to sleep now I think… See you in the morning.” I mumbled and gave him a short smile. I felt bad that I wasn’t hanging around for Mikey to vent at, that was what I should have done but I felt exhausted after my failed attempt. I wished I could say it, I wished I could say it and we could lay in his bed and he could tell me about everything he was feeling. I wanted to know but I was so disappointed with myself.

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