Chapter Eight

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 *** The Next Day ***

Sodapop's P.O.V.

                                   After everyone went to bed last night I lied awake. Just thinking about everything that happened. Until I drifted off to sleep. In the morning Sadie made breakfast again. I think Darry is enjoying his week off. Two-bit and Steve came over first thing. Just in time for breakfast. Figures. After they got here Ponyboy came out into the living room.

"What the heck happened to you?" Two-bit asked noticing his bruises.

"If you were around last night you would know" he said sarcastically.

"Why didn't you call me?" He asked again.

"We did your mom said you were out." I explained.

"Oh," he said looking down "well I'm here now what happened to you?"

                                                 Ponyboy explained the nights events up until Sadie and Lucy had their bright idea. That was when Dally and Lucy walked in arguing about something. I couldn't quite catch what they were talking about until they were fully through the door.

"Why not! Why can't I be in the rumble?" Lucy asked Dally.

" 'cause I said so." Dally told her firmly.

"UGH!" She screeched. "Why aren't you arguing with him about being in the rumble you wanna be in it just as much as I do!" she asked Sadie as she sat on my lap.

"I'm not arguing with him because we made up last night." She said calmly.

"Don't you mean made out?" Steve said under his breath.

"That too." I said with a smirk. Sadie lightly slapped my arm and glared at Steve for bringing up the topic. After everyone had some breakfast I looked at the time and realized me and Steve had to get going to work.

"Hey we gotta go to work" I said.

Sadie's P.O.V. 

                                       Everyone left except for Johnny and Ponyboy. Johnny almost never leaves. I don't blame him. with a home life like that I would never leave either. They were in Pony's bedroom doing some guy thing. I have no clue what. Before they went in there I asked Ponyboy if they had a radio. He said yes and showed me where it was. I didn't use it right away. After an hour or so I went to check on the boys. I had a feeling they would be doing something that wasn't very good for their injuries like wrestling. Boys are like that. They never wanna sit still! If Soda ever got a really bad injury that made him have to stay in bed and rest I don't think he would be able to do it. That boy can't sit still to save his life!  I opened the door and believe it or not they weren't wrestling or anything like that. Pony was reading a book to Johnny.

"Whatchya reading?" I asked him.

"Gone with the Wind." He answered.

"Hey I read that book!" I realized

"Really when?" Johnny spoke from the bed. He doesn't talk much.

"A few years back when I was in grade ten" I just graduated from high school this past year so if I wanted to I could go to collage but I don't. I don't wanna leave Sodapop. I'm scared if I leave he will find someone else prettier, nicer better than me in all aspects. I know there are girls out there better than me.

"Did you get good grades in school?" Ponyboy asked me.

"Ya I was the top of my class." I said with a smile.

"FINALLY!" Pony said, "None of the knuckle heads around here can ever help me with my homework or even talk about anything intellectual with me like books or movies!"

"Well I love books and movies." I stated.

"How did you and Soda ever fall for each other? He doesn't like to read or watch movies." Ponyboy asked.

"Well you know opposites attract" I said with a wink then left them to continue reading.

                                                 I brought the radio into the kitchen. Soda was gonna be home from work soon and everyone just left their dishes. I was bored so while I waited for Sodapop to come home I decided to turn on the radio and do the dishes. I was almost done when my favorite song at the time came on. I started dancing around while sorta washing the plate in my hand but not really. I put the plate down and started to dance around the kitchen with my eyes tightly closed. Then I bumped into someone.I opened my eyes and looked up to find Soda looking at me and laughing.

"hey baby" he said softly kissing me "whatchya doin?"

"your dishes" I said with a smile."wanna help?"

"Just tell me what to do." He answered. He was actually gonna help me?

"Take this dish towel and dry." I told him. He nodded and began drying the dishes. Later while we were still washing dishes Ponyboy came in.

"Soda your doing dishes?" he asked sounding surprised.

"Ya I'm doing dishes gotta problem with that?" Soda replied.

"No he doesn't." I said calmly not wanting them to start a fight and wrapped my arms around his waist. He smiled down at me. Why me? I wondered why me of all the girls in town, why did he choose me? He leaned down just enough for our lips to touch.

That was when Ponyboy said "Oh yuck! Come on you guys"

I pulled away and laughed "Your just jealous you don't have a girlfriend" Soda teased. I laughed again. He glared at Soda grabbed a Coke and left leaving us alone again. We were just about finished the dishes when I splashed Soda. He got mad but not really mad. Playfully mad and splashed me back. This didn't go on very long because I got one of the cups we had just washed and filled it up to throw on him. After I did this he said "Your gonna get it now!" and picked me up. He spun me around and I screamed and laughed. He kissed me and for short moment time stood still. That was when I realized that my life was perfect the way it is and I don't need college.

                         Soon Darry came home and found the mess. He wasn't too pleased with it and made us clean it up. After we did I made dinner, with Darry's help. We made chicken and potatoes the boys loved it.  We all ate, Johnny stayed to eat too. After that Johnny went home and me and Soda cuddled on the couch and watched Mickey while Darry read the paper and Ponyboy read one of his many books. It was the perfect end to a perfect day. Things won't be so perfect tomorrow though.

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