Chapter Eleven

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 Sadie's P.O.V.

We walked back in was so worried I have a feeling something bad will happen. I must have looked worried because Soda walked up to me and gave me a big hug he told me not to worry about anything Shepard's gang was gonna fight with them but I still didn't like it. Time went by quickly and before I knew it, it was time for the rumble. They guys left chanting something. I don't know what something about being hoods.

"Hey where are you guys going?" Pony asked us as we were leaving the house.

I panicked "To get groceries" Lucy said calmly.

That was a lie. Pony nodded his head then him and Johnny went into his room. We didn't bother putting on jackets. We knew that if we did they would just get ruined in the fight so we just walked out. We knew where the rumble was taking place. The vacant lot. We went there and hid in the bushes.

Tim Shepard and his gang were already there so was ours. Then the Socs got there. Three cars full. Darry and the leader of the Socs talked for a few moments before the first punch was thrown. They all began to fight. Soda looked really hot when he fought. No focus. When they all seemed to be, preoccupied we ran in and began helping them.

Then one of the Socs yelled "Hey look guys there's a couple of chicks!"

That was when Soda and Dally looked over at us they looked furious then Soda yelled "Sadie what the hell do you think your doing?"

"Ya come on Lucy I thought you said you weren't gonna fight!" Dally said while beating the tar out of a Soc.

"I guess I'm just a really good actress!" Lucy retorted.

"It was Lucy's idea!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks?" Lucy said.

"Sorry I just..." then a Soc came up and started to attack me. I fought back easily.

"Sadie don't worry I'll be there in a second to help!" Soda yelled form across the lot.

"No you stay there I'm fine!" I yelled back.

The fight was going great! All though I did here Dallas swearing a lot. Same with Soda I have never really heard him swear. He is always so happy. Maybe it was because we snuck in. Half the Socs were down. All was going according to plan. At least until three Socs started to gang up on me. I could handle two. If it was two I would have been fine but there was three and three was just too many.

At first I was doing fine. But then two of them grabbed my arms and pulled them back I swear they dislocated one it hurt so bad. The third Soc was punching me in the stomach. Then in the face. I started coughing up blood. I used this to my advantage. I spit it in his face, this made him mad. He started kicking my shins I tried fighting back but the ones holding my arms back were too strong. I tried screaming for help. Sodapop was almost over when a Soc grabbed his arm and twisted him around. He started to fight back.I heard Lucy scream "SADIE!" then I saw her jump on the third Socs back and that got him off of me but that's when I saw the flash of a blade. Everything was downhill from there.

Dally's P.O.V.

 We were standing in the lot waiting for the Socs to show. We were talking to Shepard and his guys. Then three mustangs pulled up a bunch of Socs jumped out of the cars and came up. Darry was talking through the rules with the leader of the Socs. Skin on Skin. The first to run loses. Blah blah blah. Same as always. Then one of them threw a punch and it was on. All five of us were bashing heads in then I saw a flash of long curly hair. Was I seeing things. Then I heard a Soc yell "Hey look guys there's a couple of chicks!" They didn't, did they?

I looked over and saw Lucy and Sadie fighting. I couldn't believe they actually did this they actually wanted to fight this bad they had to lie to us? "Sadie what the hell do you think your doing?" Soda yelled.

"Ya come on Lucy I thought you said you weren't gonna fight!" I still couldn't believe she did this and that she was actually doing well. So was Sadie. When they said they could fight they weren't kidding. But I'm not going to tell them that Lucy is in for it after this.

"I guess I'm just a really good actress!" She retorted. She didn't look scared at all. She looked like she was having fun. She was just so out there. I have never met a girl like Lucy Davids.

"It was Lucy's idea!" Sadie said in defense.

"Thanks?" Lucy said upset Sadie ratted her out.

"Sorry I just..." Sadie started then she got distracted by a Soc.  A rumble is no place for a couple of broads like them. It's too dangerous! Lucy never listens to me. I looked over and saw Lucy's knuckles were bleeding and she had a split lip but other than that she was doing okay. Sadie was doing good too. Her hair was matted with sweat and blood and her nose was bleeding but that was all.

Then I heard Sadie scream for help. She had three Socs on her. Soda was just about to reach her when he got pulled into another fight. I was going to go over but I saw Lucy get there first so I just left it alone. Lucy jumped on one of the Socs backs so Sadie could get free. I turned my attention back to the Soc I was fighting. Then I heard it.  A bone-chilling, scared, high pitched scream.

Lucy's P.O.V.

 Dally was really angry I could tell by his reaction he wasn't expecting to see me or Sadie for that matter. Same with Sodapop. They seemed shocked mostly. They weren't expecting to see us. Actually we promised them we wouldn't be there. Well you know what they say promises are made to be broken. Did Dally actually think I would change my attitude about something that quickly? I guess it wasn't hard to make himself believe it because he wanted me to give up the rumble so badly. I could hear him saying every curse word under the sun. He wasn't to far away from me but not as close as Sadie was.

I wonder if Ponyboy and Johnny are wondering what's taking us so long at the grocery store? They probably don't even notice we are gone. I was whipping a Soc but every time I knocked him down he kept getting back up. Man, this kid was like a rash I finally knocked him out. Then I turned around and saw Sadie was trying to fend off three Socs and was failing. I went over to help. I knew she was a good fighter but she couldn't handle three Socs. I could tell by the way they were pulling her arms back that she couldn't take it. One of them was punching her in the stomach. She started coughing up blood. She spat it out and it hit the one punching her in the face. It looked really gross. The scarlet liquid covered his face making him angry. He started kicking her shins.

"SADIE!" I yelled then jumped on his back. He forgot about her and was focused on me.

"And what do you think your doing?" He said trying to sound intimidating. It wasn't working and I wasn't taking any of his crap.

"Well you see I'm doing what you do in a rumble.I'm kicking Soc ass!" I tackled him to the ground then started beating his face. I stood up and kicked him in the ribs. I thought he was down so I turned away and went to go help Sadie out she was working on two Socs.

That was when he grabbed me and spun me around. At first it didn't register. Then it was like a shooting pain going through my body. Piercing my tough wall. It hurt so badly. I have never experienced a feeling like this before. I crumbled to the ground and screamed in agony. I heard the sound of car engines starting in the distance. We won! Was my first though then I remembered my current situation. I hear Dally swearing. I cursed under my breath and began to shake.I couldn't help it. I was trying hard not to cry. Not to show my weakness. It was terrible. Then I faintly felt something move within me.

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