Chapter Twenty Three

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Lucy's P.O.V.

"What do you mean your water just broke?" Dally said gripping the couch tightly.

"I mean my water broke. The baby's coming!" I said.

He ran over to the phone. Picked it up and dialled a number. Who the hell could he be calling. I thought to myself.

"DALLAS" I screamed while he was one the phone. Not only because I was in pain but because I would really like to get to the hospital before I have the baby in our freaking living room! Not long after I screamed Dally hung up the phone and came over to me.

He started helping me to the door. He held it open for me then ran ahead of me to open the car door. When he opened the car a little puppy ran out of the car.

"Dally what is this?" I asked crouching down as best as I could in my current situation.

"It's your surprise but I guess you're getting two today." He answered.

The puppy was jumping around me. Dally came over to help me into up. "Now will you please get in the car we really don't have time for this."

"What are you just gonna leave him on the street?" I asked

"It's a her. and no I'll put her in the house we can pick a name and all that crap when we get home"

"Wait who's gonna feed her and stuff?"

"I'll ask Sadie to. Now can we please go?" He sounded very distraught.

"Alright" I got into the car and he put the dog in the house then ran around the car and hopped into the driver's seat.

Dally was driving so fast we got pulled over. The cop took his sweet ol' time getting to the car. Once he did Dally rolled down the window.

"Excuse me sir but do you realize how fast you were driving?" He asked.

"Yes actually considering we need to get to the hospital." Dally said.

"I am about to give birth and it would be great if you could let us go so I can have my baby in a hospital and not the front seat of a car" I said.

The cop just nodded and went back to his car. Dally started driving again and we arrived at the hospital soon after. Dally came around to my side of the car and helped me out. I waddled over to the front of the building with his help. Once we were in a nurse got me a wheelchair and brought me to a room. I was expecting Dally to be with me but he wasn't in the room.

"Excuse me? Where is my boyfriend?" I asked the doctor.

"He can't come in. Not in a situation like this." He said

"What do you mean a situation like this?" I asked. Okay now I'm getting worried. He didn't answer my question.

The rest after that was sorta a blur. All I remember was screaming and I heard a bang come from outside the room at one point but other than that nothing.

When it was all over none of it mattered. Once I looked into my baby girls eyes everything was worth it. All the pain, everything I went through while I was pregnant. All of it. He eyes were beautiful, ice blue. And her hair was absolutely adorable. It was brown and fell in perfect curls.

A few minutes later Dally walked in followed by the gang. Dally came and stood by me. "She beautiful" He whispered only loud enough for me to hear.

"She's so cute guys, congratulations." Sadie said.

He took the baby from me and held her in his arms for the first time. I saw something in his eyes that I've never seen before. I can't describe exactly what but it was there.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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