Chapter 45: Awakened

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Things are going to get very, very... Uh, strange? So just don't knock the idea yet until I get a few more chapters in, okedy dokedy?? (: And the video for this chapter was meant for last chapter but I'm too lazy to change it hahaha

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Artemis' P.O.V.

I ran into the basement, dart gun in hand, moving as fast as my legs would allow. We'd just seen Barry taken by Zoom, hadn't known what was going on until we noticed his vitals bottoming out, and I now I was terrified the same would be said for Haven if someone didn't try and stop the Phantom right now. Without waiting for approval from any of the others, I dashed out of the cortex.

Time seemed to slow as I raced down the back staircase and peered through the small window that allowed me to glimpse into the room. The Phantom's back was to me, her hands placed on Haven's head and chin, and I knew I only had a split second to get done what needed to be done.

I opened the door, shot at my target, and the dart sank right into the Phantom's neck — just as I heard the sickening snap of Haven's neck.

The Phantom let out a roar as she pivoted around to face me. Haven's body fell to the floor in a heap, her body bent at awkward angles, as the Phantom stumbled back from her.

"This isn't over, Falcon," Phantom growled, glaring at me with contempt. With that, she sprang away from the girl that lay limp at her feet and back through the portal, leaving no trace that she was ever here aside from Haven's body.


I sprinted over to the girl's side, placing my dart gun down hastily as I knelt beside her and pulled back the hair from her face, my vision blurring with tears. "Oh, God. No. Please, Haven. Wake up. It's going to be okay, you're going to be fine. Please, wake up."

Of course, the girl was unresponsive. My cries echoed throughout the room as I continued to kneel there by her side. I'd only been there probably a minute or two before Caitlin came over and knelt on the other side of Haven.

Without hesitating or even asking what had happened, Caitlin quickly yet gingerly grabbed Haven's wrist in her hand. She was silent for a moment before she finally looked up to me.

"She's still alive," Cait breathed almost disbelievingly before her gaze fixed back on Haven. "Hardly. But she is.

"Her pulse is slow. And extremely faint. She's not breathing, so the path that sends the impulses from her brain to her lungs must be damaged..." Caitlin was mumbling to herself as if rehearsing the information. Remembering I was in the space, she met my gaze again. "We need to get a ventilator now, and she needs to be put in a neck brace immediately so I can get some X-rays of her spine. I need to know the extent of her injuries before I can begin treating her."

I nodded, not daring to waste a moment of time as I dashed upstairs. I already had Cisco on the phone as I made my way back to the cortex.

"Cisco, it's Artemis," I greeted quickly. "Haven's— Her neck is broken. She's still alive but she's hanging on a thread. We need a ventilator, a neck brace, and I think Caitlin is going to need help to move her around."

"I'll send Joe down with you guys," Cisco agreed. "But we have our own problem up here. Barry's here with a broken back and some other injuries that we haven't been able to check out yet. And he's not responding. Harry is doing what he can, but he's not much of a doctor. I... I know Jay doesn't want to be a part of this, but we need his help. He may not be a doctor either, but at least he knows a thing or two about severe injuries from his own experience."

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