Unsteady Relationships

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Hai summer finally xD

Also 93rd spot on the minecraft search woo

Ally's P.O.V

How could he! He broke my friends heart then goes MISSING! Also Bri left I bet that sleaze bag is with her.

"Ally calm down. Amy will come home." Mitch says and snuggle into his open arm.

"I hope she comes home."

Amy's P.O.V

"Uh hi Alex"

"Hey" he smiles. What is HE here for! Just to break my heart again. But what surprises me is.

He kisses me. And it wasn't a "I hate you but I love you" one it was a "I love you and passionate" kiss and I soon get in sync. Well at least till I hear giggling. I turn around to see Bri, MC, Jason and Sie. I turn a bright red and hide into Alex.

"So someone is forgiving iI see." Bri says and I scowl at her.

"Yes I forgiven him so shut it" and I stick my tongue and everyone laughs.

"Hey so why you out here I booked it so no one would come after me anyway." I say

"Well Amy your bag broke so we just followed the stuff. Bri says.

"Well fuck there goes my dramatic soap opera walkout" I laugh and they give me looks.

"What it with you guys I come here I walk into a mob spawner then kiss Alex and I get looks like im shitting skittles.

"Oh calm down Amy we were just worried now lets head to the apartment" Jason says and we all agree and im silently happy dancing for making more beds.

Once Bri, Alex, and Simon were all set up Alex staying on the other side of my room. Simon with Jason and Bri with MC I get my stuff and grab my new backpack to get everything ready for the trip back home. After that I grab my stuff and take a shower seeing my cleanliness was low (part of the real life mod also made up) but to my dismay I left my shorts on my bed so rapped in a towel and grab it.

"Wow Amy you flaunting that minecraft body for me" Alex laughs and I scowl racing to my bathroom.

After I was fully ready for bed I leave the bathroom and ghost was sitting on my bed.

"Amy can we talk about what happened please?"


Muhahaha cliffhanger yeah its short but must save for next chapter. Also before you come at me saying "why dont u update ever and kill me hear me out. I was finishing finals which sucked out all inspiration so i read tons of books to get me back so sorry and hopfully the next chapter will be tomorrow.

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