18. Diana 2/2

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"But how did these gates come about? Were they always there or did someone make them?"

"Now that's where it gets interesting," Professor Rowan positively beamed in his eagerness to explain. "You see... Have you ever heard of..."

"Whoa - stop. It's best that we talk about these things after everyone gets settled in. Also, I need to call Dana's parents and come up with a believable explanation of why we are not coming back," Grandma interrupted.

I did not like the sound of that.

"What do you mean – we are not coming back?"

"As long as the shadows are after you, it is not safe for you to leave this building," Grandma said, "but leave this to me."

Lilith left Grandma to her phone call, and led me up the stairs to the second floor. Our steps echoed slightly from the closed doors lining the long corridor, none of which had any nameplates. I noticed how fit Lilith seemed to be - she took long steps and moved with the grace of a dancer. Exactly like Grandma.

Lilith knocked on the last door on the right.

"Diana? May we come in?"

The door swung open and a young woman stood in the doorway, holding a book. She appeared to be about my own age, maybe slightly older. Her dark brown eyes were smiling and I liked her the instant our eyes met.

"Always, Lilith! And whom do we have here? A newcomer?" she smiled broadly.

"Yes, a newcomer. She is here before her time, because the shadows are showing some extra interest in her. She was brought straight in here by Layla, her grandmother."

"So you are Layla's granddaughter! Pleased to meet you!"

I could not help smiling back at her.

"Everything will be explained to you when the time is right," Lilith assured me, "but there's so much to take in and the priority is to find you a room, so here we are."

"Welcome, welcome! Glad to have company!" Diana gestured for us to step into the room. I noticed there were two beds there, on opposite walls.

"Dana has brought nothing with her, so maybe you could help her out with some clothes and while she's getting settled?"

"Of course! Leave that to me!"

Diana seemed to be one of those types who burst with energy. She practically danced back into the room when Lilith turned and left.

"Who is Lilith, anyway?" I took the opportunity to start digging out more information right away.

"She is one of the leaders here. They make the decisions regarding which team goes where. And when. Also she is our expert in waking up sleeping people."

"I suppose you mean lucid dreaming?"

Diana made a little pirouette. Very elegantly, I might add.

"Yes, you suppose right. She found you too, didn't she? After you read the book, obviously."

"Yes... yes, she did. Have you read the book too?"

"But of course. Quite a few of us here have, I think. Though in my case I only saw it after I arrived here. Do you still have it?"

I took the book out of the bag and Diana seized it.

"Just the same as the last time I saw it - there are a few more names at the back..." she leafed through the name list, "but none from my times, as the book did not exist then. Nor could I read then."

Nephilim Quest Book 1: ShadowhunterWhere stories live. Discover now