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After the heated make out session and much more.
(wink wank y'all they had sex but yanno your girl isn't that good at writing smuts yet.)
Bethany and I lay on the bed. there was always silences after we had sex. It wasn't the awkward silences no not at all. Well not for me. Beth as always pulls me out of my thought.

"Listen cam.. um I really dont know how to say this but I think we should stop this friends with benefits thing."

"Wait what do you mean like take this to a new level? Like dating?" My heart was beating so fast. But on the outside the only reaction was my eyebrows furrowing.

She shakes her head "Oh no no im sorry if I misleadingly you with what i was trying to say.  what im trying say is we need to stop hooking up. I met this guy named Ryan and he seems really sweet. I  just think you and I need to finally settle down and find other people. I'm sure you're also tired of just having sex and no feelings towards it. I mean don't you finally want to have a girlfriend like remember how happy you were in 10th grade when that girl oh what was her name? Nicole? Jessica?Oh wait no! I remember now!"

I stopped her before she continue anymore. "Her name was Kylie but anyways Beth that was in 10th grade I was your average horny fuckboy. I'm still always horny but I'm not  fuckboy anymore. Also in 10th grade none of us knew what love was. When I was in 10th grade i thought love was when you got a boner near someone. But if this is what you want then I fully respect your decision even if it breaks my heart..." I mumbled the last part to myself. What do I do now. Why couldn't she wait to tell me this later. The real question was why would she tell me this when we were both lying naked on her queen size bed right after having sex. My sadness slowly turned into slight anger and frustration, What did this guy have that made Beth magically fall in love with him? I've been trying to make her fall in love with me for years!

I didn't even notice that Beth already put on clothes. Now she was on her phone. probably texting that douche Ryan.
I know it's bad to call him a douche when I don't even know him but he stole my girl. so he's basically a douche.
i realize I need to leave Beth's house immediately.
This room is toxic and so is she.
I stand up quickly making Beth look up from her phone.

"I just remembered I have to attend jack's fishes funeral right now." I said putting my clothes on mentally face palming myself for not coming up with a better lie.

"Jack has fishes?" Beth asked confused.

"Um yea but he forgot to um... Feed them! Yea feed them! yanno when fishes don't eat they die and... and jack was so heartbroken by it that he had to make a funeral and I promise I'll be there for him. I know he would do the same for me if my fishes died!"
I said quickly.
I mentally pat myself on the back for making such a good fish story.

"But Cameron you don't have a fish either why are you-"

"Yea I do! I bought one uh yesterday!" I said quickly walking towards the door opening it.

"But I thought you were at a office party yesterday." Beth replied confused as hell.

I was near the door I was debating whether to stay or run the fuck out of here.

I decided to not answer her , I instead decided to walk out the door then I turned back looking at beth I gave her a forced smile and quickly said "bye" then shutting the door.

lolol Im sorry if im rushing drama but this isnt really drama.. yet. Its just the rising point to drama. The next chapters are gonna be hyped. Oh and if you didn't know already this book will have a lot of sarcasm.

UPDATING SCHEDULE FOR FWB : MONDAY & SATURDAY (might include irregular updates)

FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS  » BAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now