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Its been two weeks.
Two weeks since I last talked to beth. I might be a little overdramatic for  ignoring her and pulling the silent treatment card. Some may say "Shouldn't you be happy because she's happy?" Or "You should respect that she finally found someone."             I hope they all step on a Lego for telling me this shit advice of theirs.
Also for these two past weeks I've been on my couch binged watching bobs burgers and eating pizza.

Right in the middle bobs burgers. Someone knocks at the door. I groaned and stood up to answer the door. The person at the door better be Beyoncé at the door with cupcakes.
Sadly to my disappointment Beyoncé wasn't at the door.
Instead it was three idiots aka my friends.
"What do you pair of brunt garbanzo beans want?" I asked.

"Well we haven't been able to hang out together as a group.So we wanted to surprise you and force you to go to with us to a party. And we're not taking no as an answer." Aaron says smiling seeming hopeful that I'll say yes.

"Sorry I have to decline your offer.I'm busy." I answered. Hoping that they'll get the point that I wanted to be alone.

Aaron smiling face suddenly turns serious. "I said we're not taking no as an answer. So we'll be in your living room waiting for you to get ready now go." Aaron replies. Entering the living with Ethan and Grayson following behind him.

I stare with disbelief. "You can't be serious. I don't want to go to a party I want to stay at home."

Ethan decides it's his time to speak up. He answers me this time.
I haven't heard him or Grayson talk at all until now.
"Cameron just go and get dressed you have fifteen minutes."

Knowing I wasn't gonna win this fight I went to my room to get ready. I took my time just so it could serve them right. After thirty minutes I walk out looking better than I've ever looked in the past two weeks.

I walk to the living room where I find the brunt garbanzo beans resting their heads on each other shoulders.
I loudly clap my hands to get their attention. Once their heads are all turn towards me. I let out a small smile then proceed on saying "I'm done."

"Took you long enough princess." Grayson says sarcastically.
They all stand up and walk to the door I take that as a sign to follow them. As we exit I lock my door. I'm not trying to get robbed.

We finally reach our destination. I realize how much I've missed my brunt garbanzo beans of a friends. As we walk to the front door of the house party I can already hear loud music and strong scent of sex.

"Whose party is it anyways?" I ask suddenly remembering to ask that question.

Ethan shrugs his shoulders   "A guy Ryan or something. I don't know honestly. Sammy invited us."
Aaron rings the doorbell after just a second someone opens the door letting us in. We thank the random stranger that opened the door.

We walk around trying to find our other friends.
We finally find them a table.
The first thing I'm greeted by is Sammy throwing his arm over my   shoulders "You guys made it!"   Sammy says sounding drunk. With his arm that isn't over my shoulder he quickly chugged a beer. Cheers and screams of our group erupt for no reason. They can't be that type of drunk that cheers for no    reason. I quickly skim them to see who's drunk and who isn't. Most of them are already drunk as hell. Jack and Jack seems to be the only ones that aren't drunk. I excuse myself from Sammy and walk over to Jack and Jack to start a conversation with them.
Johnson notices me rather quickly and smiles waving at me.
"Sup Cam!" Gilinsky screams over the blasting loud music after Johnson pulled his attention towards me.

Not knowing whether to say hi or something. I just do the simple head nod and smile.
We talk for a while until I see a short brown haired girl with faded blonde highlights walking our direction. I try to remain calm while silently freaking the fuck out. She's now less than a feet away from me. Finally my breath goes away as a familiar short brown haired girl is standing right in front of me. I stay quickly until Beth finally says in her normal bubbly voice. "Hey guys!"

Oh god I feel like I'm about to pass out.


It's official I suck at writing lmao. But tomorrow is New Years Eve! I'm honestly so proud of myself. I kept My last year New Years resolution promise. My last year New Years resolution was to learn how to do my makeup and I guess I did learn somewhat lol. It's a pretty stupid New Years resolution but I'm proud of myself because liquid eyeliner was hard Af to finally get the hand of.
Not edited btw

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