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It was a long day for the two friends. They had run across the whole street without stopping for a single drop of cold water. It was just too fun for them to stop. "Every moment counts! No time to waste it!" Said the 10 year old boy. He has been running for about an hour now, though it seemed like forever. The girl next to him nodded her head in agreement. "Yup! No time to waste!" She waved her finger teasingly in front of anybody that asked them to stop. Then, she laughed out loud and grabbed her stomach, the boy doing the same. The two kids were friends for about 8 years now. They had never argued, always trying to agree on every idea that had come to their minds. They grew up on the same street and same town. They had always been together. Nothing tearing their friendship apart. They had met at school in the 2nd grade on a play in field. The boy had been walking to the play field, wanting to play soccer. His heart was at a steady beat when he looked at the school soccer team playing soccer, passing the ball to one another. Some had used there heads or knees or even there feet. It had seemed fascinating to the boy. His brown eyes just looking at every movement the team did. "GOAL!" He heard someone yell out. He looked around and noticed that it wasn't the crowd, it was coming from the team. He looked around trying to look for the boy that yelled the word goal. It wasn't a moment till he found him. The boy had raven black hair and sky blue eyes, his shirt with a number 1 on it and a word. Mark. The boy looked at the name and believed that this was the boys name. He stood up slowly, his heart beating faster, his head was spinning with every step he took, until he noticed that he had collapsed on the floor. The soccer team stopped playing and looked at him. He just looked back. Stared at their serious dark eyes. Then, a shadow came over him. Mark was in front of him, his blue eyes looking at ‭‬his fallen body. He had a frown on his face, as if confused. Then it slowly became a smirk. "Look at this guy!" Mark yelled then burst out laughing. The boy just looked up in shame and felt his heart drop. He felt his heart skip a beat. Then tears welled in his eyes, trying to blink them back. "What are you guys laughing at?!" The boys looked around, looking for the person that had stood up to them. Suddenly, a girl walked up and stood up to Mark's face. She frowned at him, as if he had pissed her off. "What a girl cant stand up for someone?" She said. She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot on the gray floor. Mark looked at the boy, confused. "What's your name?" The boy looked at him, he was shivering so much you can actually see him shivering. "N-Nick..." The boy said shivering a little more. Mark looked at Nick and back at the girl. "What about you?" The girl stood up showing no fear. "Skylar," she said and helped Nick to his feet. Nick brushed the dust off him and noticed he had scraped himself on the knee. He cringed in pain as he looked at the rise red liquid run down his knee. Skylar looked at his knee, noticing he had cut himself. She grabbed Nick's arm and wrapped it around her neck, helping him walk to the office. Nick quickly looked back at Mark, noticing that his face was red and full of jealousy.
Once Nick came out of the office, Skylar was waiting for him. "Hey Nick, is your knee alright? I can help you walk." She said kindly. Nick looked at her and shook his head slowly. "N-no I'm fine." He said. Skylar nodded and walked with Nick.

Under Diamond Shaped Starsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن