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The years went by quickly. Summer had passed, autumn had passed and it was winter. It had been 7 years since Skylar had left. Nick just moved on with life but he felt alone. A hole was in his heart and there was no way to fix that emptiness. It was just too difficult. Nick did well in middle school and in high school. He has A's and B's in all his classes and a C in his test he just got back. He looked up to notice his teacher was standing in front of his seat. He rubbed the back of his neck and leaned back on his seat. "I expected you to do much better than this." The teacher had said. She was tall and slim. She had small glasses over her nose with a pen in her bun. She raised her chin and moved onto the next student. He looked over to who the teacher was head‭ing towards to. Jacob. He knew Jacob. They had been friends since the beginning of high school. Jacob was throwing paper airplanes to some chicks in the back row. When the teacher came to his seat and saw his grabbing another piece of paper, she slammed his paper, along with his hands, on the table. She gave his a serious death stare. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop throwing paper airplanes Mr.Ramirez?" She asked him. He just let go of the paper and put his arm behind the chair, leaning on it. "Psh, calm down woman, I'm just trying to entertain myself while you're passing out these test results." Jacob snatched his test results from her arms and looked at them. He took about thirty seconds to look over his grade and smiled. "Heh, look guys! That's a new record right here!" He waved his results in the air, a D+ was plastered on his paper. Everyone is the room roared in applause and cheering teasingly. Jacob stood up on his chair and spread his arms out, his arms moving up and down, asking for more cheers. The teacher just shushed the classroom. "Enough!" She yelled. "Everyone sit your butts down on your seats before I give everyone a free trip to detention!" Everyone sat down and faced the front of the class. The teacher nodded her head and continued passing the papers. Jacob whispered to people as Nick just sat there playing with his pencil. "Ok, class dismissed!" Everyone got up and packed their things, then left the room. He grabbed his things and walked towards the door. "Hey there Nick, how was my great speech in humanities?" Jacob said when we were at my locker. Nock looked at him. He was smiling, his white teeth shining under he school light. "Uh, great! Very inspirational," Nick said as he closed his locker, locking it before he walked to his last class. "Yeah, I knew you would say that. Well, catch you after school maybe?" Nick stopped and nodded. He nodded back and trotted down the hallway. Nick went into my next class and sat down. He looked up at the chalkboard, noticing something written in capital letters, NEW STUDENT! The teacher walked in, some papers in her hand. She sat on her desk and looked over the papers. "Sorry you had to wait a little class but as you can see on the board, there is a new student coming tomorrow." New student? Nick thought. He tapped his finger on his chin. "She just moved back from Europe since she finished her learning there. I have some information about her here that she let us use to introduce her." Nick listened carefully to the teacher, ready to hear the pieces of information. "It says here that she used to live in this area a long time ago but had to leave for school purposes. She came back so that she can study astronomy here, since she didn't really like studying that in Europe." Nick leaned back in his chair, thinking. Some of the information seemed familiar to him, he just couldn't get his hands on it. For the rest of the class, he just thought and thought, ignoring everything the teacher was saying. Then he realized that no matter what he thought, he will never find out the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Class was soon dismissed and he was heading out the door. He talked to Jacob for a while but had to go to the bus stop to just chill. It was normal for him to do that. He started walking to the bus stop that was only two blocks away, his black hair flowing in the wind. He put his hands in his blue sweater, trying to make his hands warm. He wasn't cold, he just hated the fact that his hands turned paler than his already pale skin. He soon reached the bus stop and sat down, his head leaning back as he tried to relax. He soon realized that the cold kept him from relaxing. He raised his head and looked at the leafless trees in the park. He smiled as he saw kids running around, playing what he thought was tag, his ice blue eyes following the kids. Then, he saw a teen walking around the park. She had a t-shirt on ,that looked like outer space, some white jeans, white vans, and had her dark brown hair let go, the tips of her hair were curled a little. She looked around until she looked at Nick. He looked back at her, confused of why she was looking at him. She smiled widely and walked towards Nick. His heart started beating faster at every step she took. His eyes widened as he got to look at her closer. She was then standing right in front of him. She smiled widely, her hand raised to wave at me. "Hey Nick!" She said happily. I just looked at her in horror. Could it be? Is it? I can't be true. "I-it's been so long..."

Under Diamond Shaped Starsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن