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This is merged with my story the one. Forgot to mention it.


"August Anthony Harris get your ass out here!" I yelled as I stood in the middle of the club. It was late morning so the only people here are the ones that run the bar. A few girls who have no lives linger here and there.

"What the hell I tell you about walkin' into my establishment hoopnin' and hallin'?!" He said appearing behind me. I giggled as I turned around.

"Sorry..." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "I just missed you." The way we interact is weird. We don't fuck anymore... But we still act like a thing at times. But we understand where we are at. We're on the same page.. Nothing stems from this. We just go with the flow. He kissed my cheek.

"I missed you too. Come on. I'm hungry." He pulled me out of the club. Strip club actually. He owns it. He's one of the most well known owners in California. Which is huge. We were finna get some food and head to the college. Chris was hungry but didn't have royalty's car seat.

We hopped in my white Bentley that I got for my birthday. Aug got in the passenger.

"So what's been going on? Talk to me."

"Well if you must know..." He started. "The kid is winning. At life." This nigga.


"Chris where's my baby?!"

"Yo baby?! You ain't birth my daughter..."

"Negro shut up that's my baby." I immediately heard crying. "What's wrong with Titi baby?" I cooed as I walked into the back room.

"She just mad. I told her, we ask for what we want. We don't cry. She was cool till yo ahh', I mean self got here."

"Who did it?" I asked her. She pointed at Chris, pouting.

"Him did it."

"Daddy did it?!" I gasped.

"Him meanie." 

"He's supposed to be mean. He's ya daddy." Aug interjected.

"Not true. You're supposed to baby your little girl. But nooo... Chris is a as-" He shot me one of them looks. "I mean a meanie." I said laughing

"Yeah well this meanie gone give you a pop pop in a sec. Matter of fact, where my spanking spoon at?"

"Nooo!" She yelled before crawling in my lap.

"You not finna whoop her Chris."

"Spare the rod, spoil the child." He said unphased, as he picked at his nails holding them up to the light. His gaze dropped to me cradling her. "You gone turn her into a spoiled brat."

"She's my spoiled brat."

"I her spoiled bat..." Royalty stuck here tongue out at Chris. We both chuckled.

"Brat. Babygirl. Not bat."

"They sound da same." She said shrugging, before she hopped down and ran out the room.

"You're corrupting my child." He joked. I pushed him before laying back on the bed. I was beyond tired. Bouncing from Royalty, business and managing my senior year. It was exhausting. I felt myself drift off to sleep.


I felt around for my phone as it rang again. I groaned as I picked it up, sliding the bar with my eyes closed and putting it up to my ear.

As Crazy As It GetsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora