Kingston gets it

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The very next morning, my alarm clock goes off; 7:30. I leap out of bed, reluctant but not wanting to be woken up unpleasantly by the officer. I get dressed in a black tank top, black sweater, and bleached jeans, along with my red Converse. Not even 5 minutes after I've brushed my hair and teeth, the officer is heard outside, blowing on his whistle. Before I leave the bedroom, I pocket a tape recorder. When I get to algebra class, I look over at the table I was sitting in yesterday. Kingston and his crew are at that table. I growl and walk up to it. "Kingston, get out of the table. We were all assigned seats and this isn't yours." I say with menace. He laughs. I shake my head, growl again, and sit at an empty table in front of them. Jason comes over and sits next to me. And as soon as Oggie and Sock get here, they sit by us.
For the next five minutes, the teacher assigns groups. Grace and I are partners and Jason and Sock are. For a while we're silent, doing the work on our own, but then we get into a conversation and are soon talking and laughing. Then all four of us are conversing. When a lag reaches the group's speech, we start to calm down. I suddenly hear whispering and snickering behind us. Oggie turns.
I just sit and smile, not saying a word. They'll be in for a surprise.
Oggie looks back at me, annoyed. "How are ya' just sittin' there smilin'?" Oggie asks. She never really talks, but when she does, she has an amazing Australian accent. "Oh, you'll see, Og." I say, smiling wider.
After class, Oggie and I start to head out of the classroom. We don't make it far. The teacher stops the both of us, and when I glance Kingston standing near her, I know we'll be in a lot of trouble. The teacher held a stern face. "Kingston here told me that you two were harassing him and his friends." Kingston gives us a cheeky grin.
"We haven't talked to anyone but each other the whole period." Oggie states. And she's right. "Sure." Kingston mocks. He makes a genuinely disgusted face. I look at Oggie. "Don't worry, Og. Kingston does this a lot. He blames us 'criminals' for these things all the time. But I kept prepared this time. I have a recorder in my pocket that's been on the whole time and it could make out everything, even whispers, audible."A look of fear showed on his ratty face, but it turned into a cold glare. "Oh yeah? Show us then. I wanna see this recorder." he says, unbelieving. I pull out the recorder and hand it to the teacher. She presses play. We stand there for about 10 minutes, listening to the rude things Kingston was saying about us. Kingston's jaw clenches and he balls his fists. The teacher to turns to us. "Girls, I'm sorry I didn't believe you all those times before. Please forgive me." Then upon apologizing, she turned to Kingston and with a strict voice, said: "As for you, young man, you're going to spend as many hours in detention as Grace did." "B-but - that's not fair!", he whined. All she did was point to the exit, and he knew the argument was over. He stormed out of the hallway, grumbling the whole way. Oggie and I exchange a glance before walking out as well and going to our rooms.

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