Mishaps in school

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He leans back in his chair. "Well, if I ever get back home I can tell everyone that I had a zombie for a teacher." he says. Oggie and I laugh. Sock just sits there frowning. Oggie bumps her shoulder against his. "What's ya' problem, Sock?" she asks with a smile. He shrugs. "I don't know . . . I just have a bad feeling 'bout this 'virus'. I mean, it could be just more than that. It could be a little bit of a life-threatening sickness." he says. Jason nods. "I agree. And I don't think they're telling us." We all nod in unison.
"Table 5!" the teacher yells. We look over at her, surprised that she yelled at us. She's pointing at our table. "Yes 'm?"I ask. She gives me a strange look. Almost like a wild animal would give someone. She just stands there, looking at the whole class (especially the kids in the front). Suddenly she starts to groan. And then to scream, and soon she starts twisting her body in a way that scares all of us. She lunges at the kids in the front row, clawing at them. Some of the kids in the class scream and the kids in the front get away hurriedly, stumbling over each other's backpacks. I jump up and so do the rest of us. Oggie runs out the door past the demented Miss Langum. Miss Langum, even at her age of 70, chases her like a mad dog. "GO, OGGIE!!!!!!! Run!!", we all three yell. When Oggie and the diseased Miss Langum run out the door, many kids look outside. I go around the class asking if anyone got bit. One girl was covering something up, but I think it was just a few cut scars.
I look out the window to see Oggie running back to the classroom, looking pale. In the background, two security guards are holding Miss Langum by the arms, struggling to keep her under control. They stumble along with the teacher towards the Care Center. Oggie comes back into the room. We all back away from her. "I didn't get bit, see?" she says, showing us her arms and legs. We calm down a bit but remain tense. Oggie walks up to the front of the room and picks up a dry erase marker, starting to write on the board.

As far as I know, there are two types of "infected". 1: Just a normal zombie thing. 2: An extremely fast blind-type that I'm guessing uses echolocation.

Most of the class looks confused, but I understand. She sighs. "When I was getting a guard, she ran after me and there were some type of fungus growing on her face and out of her eyes, so she couldn't see, but she was using the screeching noise and the sound of me running to find me. Which is called echolocation, any questions?" she explains/asks. A tall girl raises her hand. Oggie points at her and nods.
"I don't think the Care Center is even curing these people so how do you think we should deal with them if we become a problem?"
It takes Oggie a moment to think. "Well since the fungus was sprouting from the face and eyes, I'm guessing the virus starts in the brain. So just go for the head I say." she solved this problem like it was nothing . . .
"Oh okay." she says.
Attack the head. Don't get bitten, she writes. She turns back around. "Any other questions?"
A short boy with blonde hair and horn-rimmed glasses raises his hand and, without waiting to be called on, asks one of the dumbest questions ever: "Are we going to be doing this for history every day now?"
"I don't know", she replies, "It's probably just for today. I bet they'll get a sub for tomorrow." More like for the rest of the year . . .
She walks back to her seat and sits down between Jason and I. I lean over and whisper to her. "Wanna switch spots? I want to sit next to Jason." she nods and we switch spots. Jason smiles at me and I smile back, a little embarrassed. "That was impressive." I hear Sock say to Oggie. She smiles bashfully and asks him something that's barely audible to me. It's something about his 'freckles'. I look over at her, eavesdropping on the conversation. "OHMYGOSH, YOU CAN SEE THEM?!" Sock exclaims a little loudly. What are they talking about? I can't hear the rest because of how loud it is in the classroom. The intercom suddenly comes on, hurting our ears, and a loud wail goes along with it. I can barely make it out, but the lady on the intercom says: "PLEASE EXIT THE SCHOOL IN AN ORDERLY FASHION. AN OUTBREAK OF THE SICKNESS HAS SPREAD AND IT IS HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL." It continued to say this over and over until you could hear screaming in the background and the intercom went dead and only the wailing remained. Kids crowded out of the classroom, pushing and shoving for safety. They had seen what this virus was and what it could do to people. I manage to locate Sock, Oggie, and Jason in the crowd. All four of us rush out of the classroom, trying not to get shoved to the ground. I look over at a kid who's running by our side. The kid gets tackled to the ground by one of the infected, and all I hear as we run away from the kid is screaming. Oggie suddenly stops running and calls out to Sock and Jason, who kept running. They both turn around and come back. "Come on, we have to go! They'll catch up to us!" Sock yells.
"No", Oggie shakes her head, "Follow me, we're going to find safety."Jason and I give each other a confused glance. All four of us start running towards the infected ones, following Oggie. We dodge zombie after zombie, and I look back to see that they're everywhere behind us. "Jason!!!!" I yell behind me. He nods and starts to run faster, soon passing me. I yelp. I'm in the back. A few of the infected almost yank me to the blacktop, but I manage to kick lose or tear free. Tears are forming in my eyes, and I'm not believing that this is happening. Kingston suddenly rushes up to me and I only give him a glance, knowing he's one of them. I run around him as he swipes at my face and joins the others in the horde. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!!! NO!!!
Oggie makes a motion with her hand to run into one of the classrooms, and I watch as she, Jason, and then Sock run in. Jason yells at me to run faster. I feel like a character out of an action movie that needs to slide under a closing garage door to be safe. I'm almost . . .there! One of the zombies grabs my hood and yanks me back, choking me. A cold sweat runs down my back. Ok . . . if this is how it ends . . .
No. Don't give up.
I hop back up as fast as I can and turn around, striking the zombie in the face. It loosens its grip and I run the rest of the way to the door. Oggie slams it shut behind me and locks it with a janitor's key she had stolen yesterday. The infected ram their bodies into the door. The four of us walk to the other side of the room and lock that door before collapsing on the tiled floor. Oggie sets the key down on one of the tables closest to the door. The wail of the intercom has stopped by now and you can still hear the screams of students over the pounding on the metal door. All of us are breathing hard and trying to catch our breath. Jason crawls over to me. "Are you okay?" he asks. I nod and exhale slowly.

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