Plans ruined and lives at risk

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Sock facepalms jokingly and I roll my eyes.
A scream comes from the other side of the doors. "Help us! Please let us in!"
I recognize the voice as a girl named Ashley. But us? Jason and I jump up, run to the doors, and open them (they open from the inside but stay knocked from the outside). "HELP-!" Ashley and a boy in a bloodied lab coat run through the doors. I look outside. A horde of infected are running/walking to our safe place. Jason's eyes widen. We both push the doors shut and start to barricade it with desks. We can't stay here, we can't stay here, we have to leave. . .
"Those doors won't hold long," Sock whispers, "What do we do?"
"Come on. Plans for the cafeteria won't last lo-" Oggie stops.
"Go, go, go!" Jason yells. We grab our things and run to the first door we see. Oggie grabs the handle and twists . . . "It's locked!" BAM! BAM! We go to another door and I grab the handle. Locked . . . Sock runs to the other door, finds it also locked. "Fuck it!" He kicks the door repeatedly. I look behind to see fogged-over hands all over the window . . . banging and pushing hands . . . no, no, no, no, no . . .
The glass slowly starts to crack. The cracks are getting larger on the windows. Craaaaackkkk . . .kshhhh! The glass shatters, and the moans, now that there is no sound-proof glass to cover the doors, are as loud as day. "HURRY UP, SOCK!" I yell.
Hands reaching, Ashley crying, Jason yelling for Sock to hurry . . .
"Sock, the door is metal, it's not going to break!" Oggie shouts. And suddenly, as she says that- a thought. "Oggie, where is the janitor's key?!"
She glances at me with a confused expression. She looks at the tables, runs around the room trying to find the key. I remember her setting it down on a table next to the door . . . We pushed the tables against the door . . .
"The key is somewhere on the floor." I say and help her look around near the door. I just happen to stop and look out the window at more infected walking this way. Wouldn't it be fun to . . .? Walking over to the middle table, I grab the lighter and open the first-aid kit, taking out a huge alcohol pad and opening it. I walk back over to the huge double doors. They all reach out to me. So many hands . . .
I look into the blank faces of death. They stare right back, angry and hungry. I look down at my own hands, at the wipe and lighter. "What're ya' doin', Grace? Help me find tha' key!" Oggie screams at me. I shake my head, light the alcohol pad, and throw it out the window on top of the zombies. The bodies set fire, clothes and all. It was as if I was watching a gasoline-drenched bonfire light up. They keep on reaching for me. I turn.
Sock stops kicking the door, Oggie is standing up straight, and the rest of them are staring at me. I shrug and walk away from the door like it was nothing, but I felt it . . . I felt like lying down in a corner and crying, like I just offed so many human beings. Stop it. They weren't human. They aren't. They're infected, like all of us will be soon. We can't survive this.
I strut up to a crying Ashley and the boy. "This is all your fault! We could've died because of you two!"
"It's not our f-fault we wanted to l-live." she sobs.
"Maybe not, but so do we. You attracted them, and now we have to move to another room."
"I-I'm sorry. I-" she stutters.
"No," I interrupt, "You know what? You can stay in here while we go to one of the other classrooms. You wrecked our plans!"
"We can't-!"
"You can. And honestly, I don't know why we let you in. We didn't let anyone else in. Instead, we listened to the screams and cries of people we were actually friends with. So-!" I stop. What am I doing? I back up.
Tears form in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry . . ." I whisper softly. I turn back to the window. Only one infected is left standing, fire enveloping it. I take a glance around at Oggie, Sock, Jason, all with stern faces. I look back down at the boy, who's hugging Ashley. I wipe my eyes and go back to try and find the janitor's key. In a corner, near the door . . .a glistening . . .I reach down and pick up the key. Why didn't we see it when we needed it the most? Panic of the moment, or what?
I let out an exasperated sigh, look at the empty window, then at Oggie, and stride towards her. She stops talking to Sock and turns around. I hand her the key. She stares down at it for a moment before finally walking over to the first metal door we tried to open and unlocking it. I grab our things again and walk through the door, almost shamefully. Already I can't do things right . . .
I felt like turning around and slamming the door shut a hundred times, or breaking something. I can break things though, the world is already going to waste.
I drop the things I'm carrying, walk over to another one of the teacher's old desks and grab a vase. No one stops me as I smash it on the ground, throwing it as hard as I can. I take a small bell off of the counter next to her desk and throw it against the wall, flipping a desk after.
I walk across the room to a bookshelf and start taking the books out and ripping some in half. The whole bookshelf falls over after I kick it. I stop though, when I hear more groans.

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