Danger Magnet

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In a matter of seconds, more hands are on the windows. I ignore them.

The boy in the lab coat walks up to me. "Uh, hey." His brownish-blonde hair and brown eyes matched almost perfectly, although I guess then his eyes wouldn't be brown. His ears stuck out from the side of his face and his tan skin looked yellow-ish under the lighting. Underneath his coat he wore a black Star Wars shirt and light brown khakis with red sneakers.

"Hey?" I state/question.

"My name is R-Richard. Just wanted you to.. know." he sticks out a hand. I shake it and nod.

"Nice to know."

Sock walks over to the metal door and puts his hand on the doorknob- "Sock, just leave them. There are only a few." Oggie says. He turns. "But won't they attract more?" He asks.

She shrugs and says, "I don't know, but I don't want you getting hurt or attracting more yourself."

He sighs and walks away from the door. "There aren't many students here, from what I know. And the infection hasn't spread to all of them either, so there aren't that many infected, right?" Jason inquires.

"Well, not exactly true", Richard says out of nowhere, "There are at least 500 students here and so many were infected and being kept in the Care Center. I know because I worked there on night shift."

"So you know how this happened?" I scrutinize.

Richard nods and is silent. "Well?" Sock asks.

He stays silent. Sock strides angrily up to him, getting in his face. "HOW? TELL US!" he yells. "Sock!" Oggie shouts at him. It's going to attract more. And this is escalating fast..

He ignores her completely and grabs Richard by the jacket. "How did this happen?"

"I-I . . ." he stutters.

"You better tell me right now or I'll-" Jason puts his hand on Sock's shoulder, stopping him. "Let it go, man."

Sock holds him by the jacket for about a minute before letting go, and walks away. "I'm sorry." Jason says to Richard. Jason shrugs. "Well", he starts, "I guess I do owe you all an explanation.."

"Damn right, you do!" Sock huffs. Oggie elbows him lightly.

"So, uh . . . I work, or, used to work, in the Care Center. And.. I had been working in there for about three years, and normally we were getting people with colds and.. headaches."

"Get on with it!" Sock growls.

I watch as Oggie gives him a 'look'.

"Well, one day I was working on kids with the sniffles and the next.. I was trying to treat kids with a different sickness... I was told that it was just the stomach flu, but actually it was a virus that made a person brain-dead, and gave them the 'munchies'. I never knew until the warden called me into his office one day. He said he wanted to tell me something important, and that I was his.. most trusted worker. And that's when he told me everything.. For two weeks we dealt with bite marks and scratches that only turned out to be that same virus..." he falls silent.
Jason looks at him I disbelief and turns away.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hey guys sorry if it was ended here.. I haven't written a chapter for awhile but now I'm going too be using wattpad more often :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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