{01: la couleur se fane}

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Things were continuing to get weirder and weirder in Beacon Hills. First, all these murders were coming about, scaring everyone enough to blame it on a scapegoat mountain lion. Next, the sheriff's department is declaring an arson from six years ago on a woman named Kate Argent, who also died from claw raking across her neck. Lydia Martin, without clothes on, goes missing for two days, shows up after a liver turns up missing at a graveyard. So for anyone to see a blonde stumbling down a road, no one turned more than a head.

As the silvery blonde limped down the lit streetlight, her eyes going in and out of focus in a haze, her hands held her stomach as if it was bleeding, but there was the scarlet liquid was nowhere to be found.

"La couleur se fane," she mumbled, her eyes glowing a bright yellow.

Enjoying his meal at the local restaurant after practice with his friend Brett, Carson Brown caught the glare of the girl's eyes. His body hurdled over the table with superhuman speed as his friends turned around to observe what he was doing.

Collapsing into her friend's arms, Stella mumbled the words once more. "La couleur se fane." Her azure irises closed, the blonde going back into sleep.


it's a little odd and confusing at this moment, but you get pieces of what's happening sometime in the story. let me know what you think.

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