{03: liar, liar, pants on fire}

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"You mean Stella's alive?" Scott asked as he lied on his back across his bed, his palms holding his head up off the pillows.

Stiles nodded, an enthusiastic look on his face. "Yeah, and apparently she can't remember anything past the night of the formal. That is where her memory ends." The awkward lacrosse player held his Jeep's keys in his hands, flipping them over in his hands. "I say we go and visit the supposedly amnesiac and see if she's actually telling the truth."

"How about after we go and get my tattoo?" The werewolf, at this point in time, didn't care if a girl returned from the dead. He wasn't sure if he'd consider her an ally with what she's done. It was obvious by the way Peter had treated her she'd killed with him, but Stella did try to pick his side at one point. Scott could understand being afraid of the dead alpha, even with Peter being her crazy cousin. Scott couldn't imagine trying to kill someone within his family's circle—of course, he didn't have a crazy killing uncle.

Stiles shook his head. "If we go get your tattoo, can we go see her after?"

The werewolf sitting on his bed looked at his best friend. "What if she really can't remember anything?" Scott tried to remain optimistic about his outlook on people, while his friend didn't believe they had one ounce of goodness.

"What if she's lying?" Stiles said, turning his head as if that were to prove this was a worthy adventure. "She's not going to tell my dad, the sheriff that something bad has gone down in her life." Stiles twirled his car keys between his fingers. "Especially, if it had something to do with the supernatural."

Scott sighed, rubbing the back of his head as he leaned back in his desk's chair.

The awkward junior boy cocked his head sideways, trying to seem more empathic. "With all our friends going missing in recent days, wouldn't you want to go see the ones that finally make it back," Stiles persuaded.

Looking to his book's page, the werewolf slammed the book close, throwing his hands into the air. "Fine. We can go see her after we're done getting my tattoo."

Stiles tossed his head back, clenching his hands to express his excitement. "Yes, and just for the record, I think she's lying. You don't just disappear and forget everything for the past few months without any trauma or anything."

The latino glared at his friend. "Let's get in the car, Stiles," Scott said, standing up from the chair, patting his friend's shoulder. He bit down on his lip, forcing back a few select words. The two boys exited the house.


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