Chapter 5: Preparing for the Party!

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A/N: Hello, it's me...
lol jk! Anyways here is an update and sorry I took long but life has been a bitch to me lately. I've been having a hard time and yeah..... well y'all already know how it goes from there. And for those who waited for me, thank you so much, I'm so glad u were patient and not complain about it 😊😊
I didn't mean to make some of you mad, just know that life isn't easy, and getting back on track can be difficult. Please forgive me.
Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Btw I decided to change the cover again ❤️❤️❤️
P.S. there won't be a question at the end of the chapter.

Finally, the last week of school till break. But ugh, I hate mondays. My weekend was pretty fun, all i did was video gaming. Cause you know...Gaming is life!

I sigh as my teacher is giving the lecture for today, I kept blanking out for some reason. Maybe it was because of my plans with Asuna for the next two days till the party.

~Flashback to this morning~

I was walking to school peacefully(not really) until....

"(Y/N)!! Wait up!"

"What is it now, Asuna?" I asked her in a monotone voice, slightly annoyed. Monday mornings are a bitch.

"I need.... to ask....*exhales* you something*pant*"

"What is it?"

Once she caught her breath she folds her hands in front of my face and asks/yells "Please help me out with the preparations for the party!"

I stare at her for a while thinking in my head 'Do I have to?' before replying, "Sure, why not? I got nothing else to do."

She gasps before wrapping her arms around me. "Oh thank you! Thank you!"

"Sure, no problem" I tell her.

"We're going shopping today after school! Not to mention tomorrow and Wednesday!"

"Okay- Wait who is taking us? We can't drive, you hate taking the public bus, and obviously we can't ask our parents to give us a ride if we don't want them to find out."

"Lisbeth will take us there, she has a car and knows how to drive already."

"Fine. But if she kills us, im blaming you"

"Ha-ha and for the beer i got it all covered!" Asuna winks at me.

"Sometimes you scare me..."

She giggles.

~End of flashback~

I sigh. Man.. history can be so boring, I'd rather stay at home all day playing video games.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

I turn to my right and notice Sachi looking at me.

"Uh yeah. Just daydreaming, you know me."

She quietly laughs. "Yeah, what were you daydreaming about? Your boyfriend perhaps?"

My eyes widened. Oh hell no!

"U-um no!! It's just that I've got plans with Asuna today. I'm gonna help her out with the preparations for you know.. the party"

"Ooh I see, well everybody already knows about Asuna's party. Well, that is, the students. Son don't be so secretive, nothing to worry about. Are you going with your boyfriend?" She asks.

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