Chapter 1: Hes a nobody

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Your POV

Zelda..... Gotta buy the game..... Need to play it.......... Today is the day.... Zelda..... The Wind-waker....

"So how was it, (Y/N)?" Asuna asks as we're walking to school, interrupting my thoughts.

"How was what?" I ask confused.

"You know what, or do i have to spell it for you?"

"Actually Asuna, yes you have to. I have no idea what youre talking about"

"I mean your date with Ryan" (Ryan is a dude i made up xD)

"O-oh, it was ok, i guess" I stutter. She raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"What do you mean ok? Did he at least kiss you?"

"No" I say.

"Did you sleep with him?" Her smirk widens.


She laughs "Im just kidding, geez, relax bruh"

"Dont call me bruh" I say annoyed.

"Fine... Bruh" She giggles. I roll my eyes. "But seriously, are you guys officially going out?"

"No, I don't want a boyfriend anyways" I mutter.

"(Y/N) you're 16, single, popular, all the boys want you, and you haven't had your first boyfriend yet!" Asuna says.

It was true. Even though I'm popular at school, I haven't had a boyfriend yet. Sure, there are hot guys, but they wouldn't like me for who I am. I'm a gamer. I haven't told anyone and I don't plan to. I've seen how they treat others that are gamers and it's not pretty. If I were to tell anyone, they would gossip about it and make fun of me. Asuna may be my best friend, but she's not good at keeping secrets. Not even her own secrets.

"I don't care, when the time is right, I will have one" I say, raising my head up. "For the time being, I'll just have to-" (*SMACK*)

I must've not watch where I was going because I bumped in to someone and fell down. When I hit the ground, I slowly open my eyes and see a boy with black hair and eyes on top of me. He wasn't bad looking. I notice that he was blushing. I look down and saw his hand........ on my breast. I scream and slap him. He falls back and I cover my chest with my arms, blushing.

"I-I'm so sorry" He says. I look away trying to cover my blush.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I hear Asuna yell at him. I turn my head and saw that the boy was scared of her. The poor boy look like he was going to piss his pants. "Do you have any idea what you've done?!!"

"Asuna!!" I yell. She turns around and stops yelling at him, she runs towards me and helps me stand up. I fix my skirt and and pick up my bag. I look back at the boy and he was still on the floor, with a nervous and terrified look.

"I-I'm so sorry" He stutters.

I open my mouth to say something but Asuna pulls me away before I can say anything and we continue walking to school.

"Don't talk to him" She mutters.

"Why? What's wrong with talking to him?" I ask.

"He's a nobody" She replies.

*(Time skip brought to you by me ;3)*

~Lunch time~

So far the classes were going ok, I couldn't stop thinking about the game. Today I'll go to Walmart and buy the Zelda: the wind waker game!! Squeee!!!! I see Asuna talking to Lisbeth and Sachi talking to Shirika. Friends. But what if they find out I'm a gamer? We are the popular girls after all.

"So I heard that (Y/N) went on a date with Ryan" Lisbeth smiles. I glare at her and sigh.

"How was it?" Sachi asks, in her sweet and gentle voice.

"Why is everyone asking me that? Geez!! It was only a date you know" I say.

"Cause he is perfect for you!!" Asuna joins in. "Even your parents think so, but like always you don't listen a word they or we say!"

I roll my eyes once again. "Why don't you go out with him?" I ask, taking a drink from my water. She blushes.

"Don't you dare bring me into this (Y/N)! We're talking about you!" She exclaims. "We want what's best for you" She now says calmly.

"If you want what's best for me, then maybe you should let me make my own decisions." I say.

"She does have a point there, it is her life, ya know" Silica adds.

"Thank you!!" I say. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom" I stand up and walk away from them, I could feel them staring at me. As I was about to enter the bathrooms, i notice a boy sitting alone in one of the benches of the school. He looks familiar. As I get a little closer, I quickly recognize him. It was the boy from this morning. The one who I bump into and 'accidentally' grabbed my...... we'll, you know. I blush just by remembering. I felt bad for him, doesn't he have any friends? Also what happened this morning wasn't his fault. Maybe I should apologize since he already did.

As I was about to walk towards him, i feel someone grab my hand. It was Ryan. Great.

"Hey (Y/N)" he smiles.


"Listen, about our date... I was going to say that I-"

"It's ok if you didn't like hanging out with me"

"No!! I love hanging out with you! It's just... well I've been meaning to ask you something"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Umm..." What should I say? I don't want to hurt his feeling and I don't like him, not that way. But I don't want to be rude. "S-sure" I stutter. He smiles.

"Great! We'll be the greatest couple ever!" He happily says.

"Yey" I sarcastically say. He leans in to kiss me, but I back off.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm not ready with the kissing yet, I want my first kiss to be special, k?" I say.

"Sure, don't worry" He gives me a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey, do you know that boy over there? The one sitting in that bench" I ask, pointing at the boy.

"I think his name is Kirito or something like that, but you shouldn't hang out with him, he has no friends" he says.

"And why is that?"

"Cause he's a nobody"


Please vote :)! I'll update as soon a as I can. The second chapter got deleted so I have to rewrite it xc, ill update again maybe tonight or tomorrow :3 Sorry :/

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