Choromatsu x Reader

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{ Kiss}

A frigid and rainy day today. The sun was out and burning the entire skin off of everyone until gray clouds had appeared across the whole sky. The rain was amused by the pain of everyone and decided to rain on everything.

Her body was pressed onto his. Her hands enveloped onto his waist tightly as she snores like a mouse.

(Y/N) had been in the rain, her whole body freezed in a instance when the rain touched her skin. She had rushed to Matsu's and stayed there for the time being. Being there had given her a chance to sleep.

Plus the boys had went to get things, leaving Choromatsu home.

The green typed male had stared at the girl when she slept. Her fluttering eyelids had closed, her mouth however had began deeply inhaling and exhaling air. They looked really glossy. Really glossy.. enough to-

His whole face turned red, a pinkish hue came across his nose and ears.

But those lips.

"O-one kiss wouldn't h-hurt.."

Choromatsu had learned from his spot and puckered his lips. He soon kissed the sleeping beauty.





"That's adorable."

Choromatsu jerked from his spot and removed his lips from the female. He soon shuddered and backed off into the corner. His face however was tomato color, the same color as Osomatsu's jacket. (Y/N) had smacked her head in the floor, still snoring like a baby.

The brothers arrived and made a smirk. Each. Brother. Had. A. Smug. Face.

"H-huh.. What happened..?"

Heads twirled to (Y/n). Her hand scratched the center of her head. Again erupted from her lips. She then jerked up, feeling her hand on her lips, she looked around vigorously.

"W-who kissed me..?"

The five brothers pointed at Choromatsu.

"He did!"

She widened her eyes before she covered her whole face with her hands, shuddering.

"Guys s-spare m-me just once! For me, Choromatsu!"

"The cool says no."
"Ha, no!"
"Um.. let's see, how about no."


Osomatsu-San X Reader // One shots [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now