Part- I

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The room was small and dark.
I gasped for air.
"Where am I...?"
I blinked trying to let my eyes adjust to the slightest bit of sunlight now peeking though a window in front of me.
"I'm not going to hurt you,
I could feel the beads of sweat run on my forehead slowly running down my face.
"How do you know me name?"
I said sternly.
"I have been looking for someone like you."
I gasped for more air now feeling the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck.
His voice was calming and quiet but I still couldn't trust him.
I didn't know who he was or how I had even got here.
"Why am I here?
How am I here?"
I started hyperventilating the only bit of outside I could see,
Became blurry.
I gasped for air again.
I gasped for another breath of air the oxygen thinner than the apparent tension in the room.
"Nobody has ever understood me Orchid.
I just need someone to listen."
"Who even are you?"
I felt the ropes around my chest loosen.
I stood up legs shaking,
My vision became blurry.
I began to fall forward thinking I would hit a wall,
And wake up from this hideous nightmare I was having.
But he caught me.
His breath and body warm his hands colder than ice.
I looked up to his big blue eyes ,
And then everything went dark.
I woke up back in my bedroom.
As if it had all been a dream.
I went to sit up,
Legs shaking,
I began to black out.
Luckily I managed to regain my balance and notice the note on my desk.
It read:
You deserve to know who I am.
And why I did that to you.
And listen I'm not proud of what I did but I was just scared.
I need someone like you.
I need you.
Meet me in center forest at the overgrown fountains tonight at midnight.
I'll tell you why I'm here,
Why I need you,
And who I am.
Yours truly,
The demon that's not going to kill you.
I read the note in disbelief.
It was all a dream.
It was allll a dream.
I pinched myself looking back at the note stroking the paper gently.
I took two pins and pinned it to the inside of my wardrobe.
My life used to be simple.
Well except for the wars.
And my parents.
And well everything else.

It was late winter when the first shot fired.
Right in the intersection of where the 5 realms connected.
In each
Realm being a large kingdom except for a the earth realm which has small kingdoms called cities and towns spread across their realm.
The other 4 realms were the fantasia realm cultured with fairies, pixies, mermaids, and Basically everything that was my in a child's story book.
Another realm was the mythology realm.
This realm was covered with all types,
From centaurs, to gods and goddesses and from sea dragons to strange snake creatures like the infamous medusa.
The other 2 realms were the ones at war the Angels and the demons.
There was a secret passage each realm in the middle of some forests so soldiers could come out and fight anywhere anytime.
The war had started because the demons had stolen weapons that were much too powerful for any being to be bestow.
Even the empress was not worthy of the sword of hope or the bow of faith.
Not a single soul could be special enough to simply touch the mystical relics.
Even I thought it was cruel of them although,
I thought to myself,
What would it actually be like to steal?
What would it be like to feel that rush of adventure and excitement?
I am indeed desperate to know.
But I cannot.
Angels are supposed to be,
But I.....
Am not.
Angels are supposed to be selfless, beautiful, kind hearted, and smart,
But that's just not me.
I mean sure I could answer a simple equation or two.
Maybe I would spend a slightly larger amount of goiles on someone's offering than did they.
And for those that don't know between all realms over than the Earth realm goiles were used as a form of currency.
Although no one is perfect
Or at least I'm not.
Actually everyone is perfect.
The beautiful blonde haired beauty next door with the light green eyes and long thin body.
The young boy next door with freckles rapping around her cheeks and blonde curly hair draping over his ears.
And then there was me. Everyone is blonde.
Blonde hair is said to represent beauty and power.
My hair is long, curly,
And dark.
Everyone has beautiful light blue eyes or green.
My eyes were hazel.
You see I'm not perfect.
And I'm supposed to be.
I'm called a mistake,
Called a joke,
At least that's what mother said before she left to live in mythology realm with her step sisters.
She called me the daughter of a demon, and I know that might sound a little....
But you weren't supposed to be a demon,
And all demons had dark hair and eyes.
Ironically I had both.
It was just myself and my dad who always tried to help me feel better about the situation.
Luckily however father was quite understanding been the fact that he secretly had grey eyes but he used a potion to brighten them ever morning.
I asked if I could have some but father denied.
He claimed the consequences would be too severe.
So I nodded it off being scared if I didn't obey my father is be sent away to the demon realm them thinking I was really I demon.
But I had the wings of an angel.
Except they were upside down in the shape of a butterfly.
My dad says it might be the cause of my mother being part mythical which was fine as long as you weren't part demon which I always did suspect.....
But I tend to just push those sort of thoughts out of my head.
But the point is I'm just a mistake.......
But maybe that's why this wasn't a dream and that's why this guy has been looking for me,
I'm just like him,
A mistake.

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