Part- VII

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He looked up at me tears brimmed in his eyes.
"Maxwell is the run away demon."
His eyes widened with shock. He cleared his throat blinking away tears.
"Maxwell is dead."
He couldn't be. Why else would this other random boy named Maxwell come out of nowhere? He came to warn us. Because he cared he knew his family was here. He didn't know why or how but he had to warn us. Somehow he found out about me and made an escape here. Something happened and I intend to find out what.
I stood up from the basement closing the book and setting it down on the table.
"Dad, why did you show me this book?"
"Because you deserve to know the truth."
"And you deserve to know the truth too dad-"
I cut myself off my grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the basement. Time for him to see his son. My father was very confused but every time he tried to ask questions I shushed him. I didn't tell him in the first place because he wouldn't believe me. But if his own son was in his presence, he'd know.

We got to the prison and the kept looking over at my dad to see how he was handling the situation. He seemed to be acting normally other than not saying a word but he was utterly confused.
I unfolded my wings and spread them motioning my father to do the same.
He followed my wishes and followed me to the roof of the station.
"Sweetheart in all respect I trust your judgement and your choices in general but what the hell are we doing on the roof of the police station?"
I breathed slightly heavily from taking off quickly and looked him in a the eyes with a sly smirk.
"Oh you'll see."
He gave me a stunned stare and folded his hands over his chest refusing to give in.
"Daaaad please just trust me on this."
"This is breaking the law."
I sighed looking back at him.
"Me and you both know soon the laws will be garbage once this war takes off. You want to help me don't you?"
"I don't know what your getting at but I'm certainly not climbing into a smokey old air vent to break into the police station for who knows why!?"
I sighed opening the vent slipping my legs in and folding my wings back.
"Fine I didn't need your help to save the world anyway."
I could hear his muffled words as I went down the tube soon, as expected to be joined by my father next to me.
He spoke in a low and raspy whisper probably a bit from the rust and smoke in the vent.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!"
"Just try to be as quiet as possible and stay close behind me."
He nodded.
"I have nothing else to lose I guess."

We made our way down the halls until we heard the sound of heavy feet shuffling back at forth in the next hall.
I whispered.
The shuffling stopped.
"Who's there, please don't whip me again I-I didn't mean to-"
I showed my face eagerly.
I can't believe I actually had a brother, a TWIN!
I felt joyous tears fall down my face as I stated back at Max's confused green eyes.
Dad continued to stay against the wall so he didn't seem to be in the loop of what was happening currently, not that he would believe this is his real son anyway.
But I knew it.
I could feel it.

I saw the keys hanging in Officer Marshall's office.
Yes everyone thought I was a perfect little innocent angel child.
If I could be I'd probably be the sly badass everyone has heard rumors about.
Even though I don't have much experience with being a badass.
Officer didn't seem to be in his office so I scooted across the hallway to the door slowly turning the knob.
I looked at both sides of the wall.
Maxwell worryingly looked at me mouthing words silently to me.
'You'll get yourself killed.'
'Get back her young lady.'
'What the hell are you doing?!'
'What do you think you're doing!'

Like father like son.

I slid into the small bland room my eyes blinded by the cheap bright lights before grabbing the keys off the wall.
I slid carefully over the cell unlocking the door.
I knelt down barely containing myself unlocking the chains around his neck, wrists, and ankles.
They were all concerned in bruises and dried blood even some fresh blood.
Whip marks were scattered across his torso as I could see considering his tee shirt was largely ripped in areas.
Then it happened.
Happy tears freely ran down my cheeks and I looked him in the eyes closely.
"Y-your, w-we, I-I-"
I stumbled over my words not knowing how to express the amount of happiness and confusion and overall emotion running through my veins.
"Why didn't you tell me."
"Tell you what."
"B-but Max why did you- why me."
"Because I felt a connection to you, I didn't think you were real until I saw you in the forest once. You haunted my dreams for years and years of my life. It's taken me so long to realize they weren't dreams, they were flashbacks."
I hugged him again quietly sobbing into his shoulder.
He smiled looking down at me.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

My father then turned the corner in a harsh raspy whisper.
"Orchid what is taking so long why are we even here why-"
He cut himself off his eyes brimming with tears once more.
I knew it.
My dad looked stunned and continued looking from me to Max not knowing what to do until Max suddenly wrapped his arms around the both of us for a moment before backing away.
"It's been a while."
Maxwell said smiling ironically.
My father laughed looking back at Maxwell.
"Y-you- your alive."
Maxwell laughed and nodded.
"It appears I am."
They hugged and I heard quick footsteps running down the hallways.
"Listen I hate to break this up but we have to go."
My father looked at me and nodded Max doing the same.
"Will you be able to walk or fly?"
Max nodded softly.
"I'll manage."
We all quickly made our way back to the vent and my father went up first to make sure the coast was clear, then Max, then it was my turn.
As I was amount to go up Max yelled down to me to hurry up and that people were quickly arriving at the scene.
I spread my wings open and rested my foot on the end of the vent.
I forcefully pushed my wings through the vent until something stopped me.
Someone had a hold of my ankle.
I kicked hard trying to hit whatever was holding me back but I couldn't.
I flew out waiting to face whatever the hell this person wanted with me.
It was most likely just an officer.
I could easily take one out now.
Now I know what kind of power I have if I could channel it I could use it correctly and help balances out all forces of good and evil.
Plus at the very least the Angels seemed to be leaning towards the more evil side on Maxwell's behalf but I guess depending on your natural born side or opinion it could go either way. 
I turned to look into the eyes of the soon dead officer when I realized it was the last person I expected to be holding me back.
The last person to keep me from saving Max.
The last ever person I would think would rebel against me.
Maybe I had thought,

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