Part- II

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The chimes behind the glass down on the downstairs grandfather clock had rang.
Midnight always seemed to be curfew but because I was dealing with a 'demon' I guess the rules didn't apply.
For a demon he seemed sweet, misunderstood, even maybe lost.
Maybe that's what he was talking about,
Both of our soul da were lost....
But who cares?
It's not like anything is going to change.
I don't know why he tries....
But part of me,
Wants answers.
I brushed the feathers gently on my wings folding them down nicely fitting to the shape of my back.
Of course since I was ( well another cruel nickname the pupils called me in beginner monastery ), I was a 'dark haired defect' which meant that I was a demon with the wings of an angel minus one feather.
One issue was that with the oddly butterfly shape of my wings they always were able to fold up quite small even though when spread they were bigger than the average wings.
So I folded my wings and threw on a leather jacket,
My lucky Violett Quartz necklace given to me by my father as a younger child,
And some spruce colored boots.
I silently peeped around the corner of the hall to see my father asleep on the couch.
I grabbed some papyrus and some ink and began to write.
I'm studying in my room for a very important quarterly spells exam.
Please proceed to not bother me.
With love, Orchid.
I left the note on his lap and without making a single noise I trotted out the basement doors.
They led straight into the forest.
I chanted the Common Light Enchant which could use anything you thought of the was on you will glow as light as you desire.
My lucky necklace glowed, casting a stunning amber glow across the frosted tree branches.
I saw the fountain it was right there.
What used to be water dribbling out of the fishes mouth was now overgrown vines and moss that had began to grow over the entire fishes body.
I heard the crunch of a leaf behind me.
I swiftly turned around to see a white wolf with glowing blue eyes staring up at me.
With a puff of red smoke the amber purple essence of my Quartz faded revealing a boy standing in front of me.
He wasn't too much taller than me maybe an inch or two but in his defense I was quite tall for a girl.
His eyes were wide and a beautiful pale blue that had almost a glowing feel to them reflecting off his freckled covered cheeks.
He wore a white and black plaid button up shirt button all the way up until the very last one revealing a scar I didn't plan on asking about.
He was wearing a pair of distressed jeans with a few unintentional rips around his knees also stained with what looked to be blood.
"I think you should sit down."
He lifted his hand gracefully casting the moonlight upon a bench near the fountain and wiping off the branches.
I sat done crossed my legs and looked him in the eyes waiting for him to say something.
His eyes reminded me of the first time I went to the Earth realm and saw the sky and the ocean collide.
That was one of the best days of my life.
We stared at each other for a while.
At then which I noticed he had not planned on saying anything I was going to have to start the conversation.
"Ok I don't want to annoy you with my array of questions.....
And I don't want this to be as extremely awkward as it is already........
But if I could ask one question,
Out of all the questions I have,
I would ask you this,


He gave me a blank stare until he realized I was serious.
"The name is uh.......
He said sarcastically acting like a big deal.
"No really,
I can tell your just stalling because you know you promised to tell me things you don't want to tell me."
He sighed looking slightly away from me into the moonlight.
I saw his cheek glow a bright red as he wiped the beads of sweat forming slightly on the back of his neck.
"I'm Maxwell,
You can uh,
Call me max."
"And I'm sure you already know I'm Orchid......
I don't really know how that possible......"
"I know this all new and weird for you but that's how it feels for me too."
He sighed again looking away from me.
He bent over the side of the bench making his spine
spike out of his back through his shirt.
He nervously ran his fingers through his hair.
"I've just been feeling not....
I nodded inching closer.
Even though he was a demon,
He wasn't one.
He had emotion,
He didn't kill me when I had the chance,
He had the kind eyes and light hair,
The warm smile and tall slim body.
But he seemed to be in pain.
"I just......"
I sighed making him turn around.
In the moonlight I could clearly see tears welling up in his blue eyes.
"It's okay."
"I know how you feel."
He turned away from me again grasping tightly to a lock of blonde hair covering his forehead.
A cold frosty brush of air hit,
Shivered letting out quiet sobs I could only hear with my mothers ears of a pixie.
"No..... Please....."
I inched closer until I felt the warm sensation of his body heat radiating off him.
He was apparently getting worked up and stressed.
I knew what he was going through.
He looked up at me,
Two streaks of tears coming down his cheeks.
"I don't know why you would even want to be seen with me.
A beautiful girl such as yourself and me.
A man crying over emotional is practically a sin."
I looked at him.
"Maxwell come here."
He slowly inched towards me.
I could feel his anxiety causing his whole body to shake.
I grabbed his shoulders just enough to stop massive trembling.
I pulled his ear to my lips and whispered:
"This way your expressing your emotions right now.
It is simply not a sin,
Nor is anything wrong with it.
I bet you've had all this emotion built up inside you you all these years of your life.
So it's okay."
He wiped away his tears turning his body back towards me.
"How do you understand what I'm going through?
How can you hear all my thoughts?
How do you know what my heart is telling me before I felt a single heart beat?"
I smiled at him bending in closer.
Even though I had just met him I could not feel more safe and loved.
"I know how you feel right now,
This is how I have felt my entire life."

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