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Rey's eyelids suddenly opened, and panic swept over her. She was restrained by her wrists, legs, and middle. She struggled against the metal bonds when she saw a figure emerging from the shadows. 

Kylo Ren.

"Comfortable?" His mask didn't hide the tone of sarcasm. She managed to keep a straight expression and did not answer.

"Do you still want to kill me, Rey?" His voice seemed almost amused.

"That sort of happens when you're hunted by a creature with a mask."

He was motionless for a second, then a hand with long, slim fingers reached out from his cloak to remove the mask. Rey tried not to flinch as it hissed and creaked. A split second later, Ren slammed the mask down on grey grains, as if to preserve it. His face was pale and smooth, and his eyes were pure black. Kylo looked young, but Rey could tell that his face was etched with experience. He stepped closer to her, their faces about two inches apart. He crouched down so that he was even closer. 

"Now, you are going to tell me where that map is." His voice was like glass breaking against her ears. 

"Never." He was looking straight into her eyes, slowly using the Force to bend her will. She stared right back at him, unafraid. 

"The. Map." She was straining visibly, clenching her teeth together. Time passed, and he balled his fists underneath the torture chair so that she wouldn't see. They were both glaring at each other, using the Force as mind power to make the other give in. Then, Rey made a breakthrough. She saw him as a child: tousled, dark hair, piercing eyes, bounding up the stone stairs to meet Luke Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker!

There was two people accompanying him; a man with a tough expression and a shining blaster in his holster, and a regal looking woman who was shaking her head. Luke grinned at the eager boy, ruffling his hair. Then he spoke with the woman. 

"Don't worry Leia, Ben will be fine. Is Jaina coming as well?" The woman, Leia, shook her head fiercely. 

"Not until she's older." Luke chuckled.

"They're twins, Leia. You can't keep them away from each other forever." He casted a knowing glance at her. She sighed.

"Yes, yes, I know." The boy ran back to them and pulls at his mother's robe. 

"When's JaiJai coming? Is Ani coming too when he gets older? Then we can all live together!" He flashes a young, innocent smile. Leia smoothes his hair down with a light, motherly touch. 

"They'll all come soon. We have to go now, Ben. Be good, alright?" She kneels down and the boy throws his arms around her, bravely not shedding a tear. They release, and the boy goes to his father, looking up. Leia looks at her husband. 

"Oh, come here you little Jedi!" Han bear-hugs his son, with Ben laughing. They release as well, and he pulls Luke's hand.

"Come on, Uncle Luke! Let's go see!" He nearly pulls Luke along, grinning. Han and Leia watch their happy son in the capable hands of Luke Skywalker.

Rey gasped, pulling back. Ren, or Ben,  was still staring at her, his eyebrows drawn. 

"Where. Is. The. Map." Rey was more exhausted after using the Force to invade his memories. 

"I-I'm not tell you," Rey said, fighting to keep her eyes open. A cruel smile crossed Ben's mouth as he stood up. Just before everything was shrouded in darkness, Rey strained to hear his voice.

"Don't worry, I have other means of making you talk."

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