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Hallo!! Here's a short tidbit of a chapter... Hopefully a longer, more detailed one on the way!


She didn't see him at first. His attire was still completely black, which camouflaged with the background. The moon was out, although not full. By its dim light, Rey could just make out his face. It was unusually calm, albeit his scar, and that made her suspicious. 

"Hello, Rey. So glad you could make it," he smirked. He knew she wouldn't, couldn't resist his will of the Force. She crossed her arms, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Now what do you want?" Ben actually looked a little uncomfortable to start, but he began. 

"I...I want to join you." Rey froze, analyzing his expression immediately. Her arms tightened around each other. 

"You? You think after what you did, you can still-" She cut herself off, too filled with anger to finish her own sentence. He stepped forward.

"Please, let me explain." 

Please? Rey didn't say anything, but stood there, scowling. He took that as permission to continue.

"After the, the battle, between you and I, Snoke was angry. Absolutely furious." Ben rubbed the back of his neck, unable to keep eye contact. "He...exiled me, in a way. Long story short, I'm a First Order outcast. So I thought, I thought maybe, maybe I could-"

"No." Her answer was short and simple.

"No? What do you mean no?" His was disbelief.

"You captured me, you killed your own father, you hurt Finn. Do I really need to go on?" 

"What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm really good?" 

"There's nothing you can do to forgive what you've done." The venom in her voice even surprised Rey herself, but she held her ground. He fell to his knees, a hoping look on his face. 

"Please, Rey. I can't go back there. Snoke will...He'll give me a fate worse than death itself."

"A true Jedi would do things for the greater good, not thinking about themselves." Ben fumbled with something in his cloak, and Rey made a defensive position. It was his light saber, as she suspected, but he held it out to her. 

"Take it. Take it away from me. Please." His lips were moving, but it was his eyes that pleaded to Rey the most. Cautiously, she stepped forward. He was holding it backwards, so that the hilt was towards her. She took it swiftly, and was instantly weighed down with fear and raw power. Rey could feel the darkness in its every piece. How many innocent lives did this weapon slaughter? Despite her moment of weakness, she clutched it tight in her grip. After giving a short and firm nod, she began to walk back uphill. 

"Wait!" Ben was up in a flash and was holding her wrist. His fingers were calloused and rough, just as hers were. His hold wasn't threatening, but too tight to be friendly. 

"Let. Go. Of. Me." She gritted between her teeth. 

"What about me?" Rey shook her wrist fiercely, and he let go. 

"I...don't know, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook," she retaliated. He inclined his head, and Rey thought she saw tears on his face. It was too dark to be sure.

"Thank you...for believing in me," he nearly choked over his words. Rey was already walking back up, but she turned, seeing him hunched over himself. Her hand brushed his shoulder lightly; it was the only consolation she was willing to give. 

"You're welcome," she murmured, then proceeded to hike up the hill. A part of Rey felt bad, just leaving him there. The other, more rational part, told her that she had done enough already. As she lay back down on the blanket, she looked up at the night sky, peppered with stars from the farthest galaxies and corners of the universe imaginable.

Do the stars look different from other eyes?

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