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Rey sat on the bed, her head spinning. She put one hand to it, as if to steady her nerves. Everything had been so strange; for a second she almost trusted a Sith lord... But he did feel different. He was almost gentle, if that were possible. She rubbed her forehead, suddenly tensed. The sky was darkening, and Rey rose to look out from the window. 

Ren went to his living space, throwing his mask against the pitch black walls. His fingers twisted in his hair, digging into the scalp. The pain was ripping him in half. There was no end; Light and Dark, Light and Dark. In a fit of agony, he drew his lightsaber and started slashing at the walls, which were designed to withstand such attacks. Kylo was yelling, shouting, and the walls bore black, ashy marks. Soon, he threw his saber as well, hearing it clang and slide across the metal floor. The environment around him was changing; growing darker. He strutted over to the window, staring harshly at the world outside.

They both watched as night fell, each of them putting out a hand to the glass, as if to save the feeling. Ren clenched his fist, while Rey just turned away. There was a change in atmosphere; hard, cold, unfeeling. She shivered, lying down on the bed. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise; it was smooth and soft.  Much better than the bumpy ridges of an old AT-AT in Jakku. Jakku. Finn. Han. Even BB-8. She pulled the covers over her head, squeezing her eyes shut. No, she had to be strong. She had to-The tears burned beneath her eyelids as they dropped on her cheeks. Home. Where was home? Rey kept asking questions to herself, questions she couldn't answer, until sleep devoured her mind and body.

Kylo sat on the edge of a cold seat, his head in his hands. The pain makes you stronger, Snoke said. But you can alleviate it by completely choosing the Dark Side. By killing your first victim. 


His mind raced; pros, cons, good, evil. It was too much. He was breathing hard as he slammed his eyes closed. He had to decide. The choice must be made. 

I can't-can't...

Make your decision.

Snoke's voice rang around in his ears. He covered his ears as if to stop the noises in his head. Ren was hunched over, straining for silence. It was always there, taunting him. It had captured him and didn't let go. He collapsed to the floor with an iron grip over his ears. Kylo remained there, unable to face the power. He waited as he always did, but the torture never truly ended. It faded but returned, striking at random moments. As the pain slowly ebbed, he gradually got up and prepared for the next day. There would be no rest, no sleep. No time for the nightmares to haunt him.

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