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Rey awoke to soft, rustling noises. She got up quickly, about to draw her weapon when she realized. But her only visitor was an elderly woman with her grey hair in a severely tight bun above her head. She had a no-nonsense look on her wrinkled face as her pale eyes sharpened on her. She began speaking at once.

"Since you are a prisoner of the First Order, the laws of humanity require them to serve you basic needs." Rey almost laughed.

"When was the Dark Side ever humane?" The woman pursued her lips but continued.

"I am here to provide you clothing, food, and water. That is all." She took out something wrapped and tossed it to her. She caught it, peeled off the wrapper, and chewed. When she was done, the woman handed her a canister of water, which Rey eagerly took and drank. The woman took back the water container and handed her a soft, white tunic. She took it hesitantly, inspecting it. The woman ushered her into a changing room and waited for her outside. When she returned, the woman sat her down and began to talk about herself while fixing Rey's hair. She nodded occasionally, not really paying attention. Every so often, she would flinch and the woman reprimanded her.

"-being an original handmaiden to Queen Amidala, I know how to work these things. There, you're done." Rey got up as the woman reached into her bag, pulling out flat shoes. She slipped them on and the woman took one last thing out of her bag. Rey looked at herself through the glass. Solemn face, tired eyes... She saw nothing different, except that her hair was down. The woman took back the mirror and left the room without any explanation. She sighed, sitting back down. Then, she saw her crushed blaster. Reaching over, she took it, fiddling around. Perhaps this was her sentence; being stuck with nothing to do. It was certainly working as Rey's fingers roamed the blaster anxiously, feeling every nook and cranny.

Ren was wide awake, yet completely exhausted at the same time. The night had been spent in blind anger, fear, and pain, but nothing haunting. He made sure of that. The mask was suffocating, but he was forced to keep it on by the memory of Snoke. At that thought, he rose to get out of the dark room. With his hands folded behind his back, he walked to the chamber of his grandfather. Kylo looked back, once, to make sure no one was watching, then quickly entered. He went to the middle of the room, kneeling on one knee.

"Grandfather." He felt a dark energy surge into his bones.

"The pull to the Light Side is taking over me. The fight is inside of me, slowly-" He balled his fists.

"Answer me!" His voice rang clearly around the room, like a siren. Anger filled him, clouded his rationality. But with anger came power. Ren locked in the feeling, running through his veins.

"I will finish what you started." He got up, his cape billowing behind him, and head straight for Rey's room. It was easy enough to find his way back, and get in. She was facing away from him, sitting on the bed. He slammed the door shut, making her shoulders jump and turn around.

"Ben!" was her first response. She got up as he advanced closer, her tunics skirts brushing her ankles. He didn't answer; just kept moving. Out of instance, Rey backed up until she was in the same position as yesterday; her back to the wall. He grabbed her wrists, holding them tightly to the wall as well. She struggled against him, but his strength had doubled. Anger and hate was on his side, true factors of the Dark Side.

"Tell me where that map is. Now." Rey shook her head as she felt cold seeping into her. His grip tightened as she grimaced. She could feel a sort of tendril roaming her mind, trying to squeeze information out of it. His voice was like a low growl, more distinct with his mask on.

"I have other ways of getting that map from you, little scavenger." His eyes shifted to the bed as his fingers stroked her forearms in a gesture of near intimacy. She drew back as much as she could, guessing where he was looking.

"No, no!" Rey almost couldn't breathe; the tendril was wrapped tightly around her lungs like a vise. He was wandering freely in her mind, slowly breaking the barriers. She sunk to her knees; her entire body was stiff, ready to snap if it could. He knelt down with her as he grabbed her chin with a gloved hand, forcing her to remain eye contact.

"There is no escape." She couldn't look away now. His intricate mask would never hide the evil, and nothing could hide her fear. He moved even closer, his eyes not visible. Rey turned away as much as she could. He was about to lean in even closer when a sudden bang broke his focus, releasing Rey from the tight Force bonds. She gasped, pressing her hands to her chest. As Rey panted, Ren left swiftly, but did not run. The door shut behind him, and when she tried to open it, nothing happened. She heard shouts and crashing noises. She desperately tried to open the door, but it would not move. After many failed attempts of kicking and punching the door, Rey stopped, forcing herself to think.

What would Han do? Probably shoot it with his blaster... What would Luke do?

She froze, realizing. She made her breathing calm as she closed her eyes. Slowly, she lifted one arm to the door. Rey raised her hand, but the door didn't move. Pushing down her frustration, she tried again, and again, and again. She ground her teeth; distraught.

Someone is in trouble out there. I've got to help somehow.

She lifted her arm again, then raised her hand. The door slid open as if it was greased. Thanking the Force, she hurried out, following the noises.

"Aah!" Someone bumped straight into her as she stumbled backwards. She rubbed her forehead and stared at the person.


"Rey!" They hugged.

"Some rescue, huh?" He grinned, and she smiled back. "Let's go help Han and Chewie." Rey nodded and ran after Finn. They were on a high platform when they both saw Kylo on the lower platform over the reactor core. She bit back the urge to jump down and fight him. Suddenly, a figure sprinted to Ren. Han. Chewie was nowhere to be seen. Rey's eyes widened. They were discussing things, but neither Finn nor Rey could hear. Ren took off his mask, and Rey recognized the ease in his face. He was handing his lightsaber to Han. The entire area darkened and Rey whirled around to see the last remnants of the Sun being sucked into the power generator of the Starkiller. Kylo's eyes slowly darkened with the atmosphere. Rey turned around, and everything was happening slowly. She heard a scream, perhaps her own, as Ren ignited his lightsaber into Han's chest. Han looked sadly up at him, touching his face, and said something that Finn and Rey just made out.

"Ben...My son-"

He fell when Kylo pulled back his lightsaber. Somewhere, an anguished Wookiee cry was heard, and a crossbow shot angled straight at Ren's side found its target. Grunting, he fell to one knee, trying to staunch the blood. Rey's fingers were twitching, and Finn looked at her. He took out the lightsaber from his holster and handed it to Rey without a word. Filled with rage, she turned it on and jumped to Ben. He wasn't prepared, so she got a good gash on his arm. He stood up and spun around with furious energy. It was as if there wasn't even a human side to him anymore. The lightsaber was just an extension of his arm. They battled hard, slicing, dodging, even hitting. He got in a large bruise on her cheek, and Rey received a satisfying crack to his femur. In the end, they both were covered in scars and cuts that were still bleeding, when clones rushed to Ren's aid. She scanned the area in front of her, very outnumbered. Rey ran, seeing Finn follow her above. The clones fired and fired, with Rey barely escaping. She ran past the weapons department. She skidded to a stop, grabbing her quarter-staff. Then she found her way outside, with Finn not far behind. Kylo was there, waiting for them.

"We're not done here." His voice was nothing like what Rey had known. She tossed the saber back to Finn, who caught it deftly. She stared straight at Ren as if her eyes could burn holes through him. He smirked and adjusted his grip on his cross-guard lightsaber. Rey looked at Finn, who gave her the slightest nod. After two seconds, they both charged at the Sith.

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