Chapter 5: Yappa-di-Yap

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Bree Campbell closed the door behind her and threw her bag onto the floor.

"Oh! Oscar! Our darling Bree is back!" Melanie, Mrs Campbell smiled, coming out of the kitchen wearing an apron.

"Hey Mom." Bree chuckled.

Oscar, Bree's dad came downstairs. "Ah...sweetie!" He cooed. Mr Campbell walked over to his daughter and planted a wet kiss on her cheek.

"Don't you think I'm a little old for that?" Bree asked, folding her arms. Mr Campbell grinned slyly and backed away to sit at the dining table. "I'm turning fourteen next week!" Bree continued.

"You're never too old to be loved, appreciate what you have...then you'll have to buy stuff with your own money, have a job..." Bree's eighteen year old sister Karen commented. Karen was sitting in the corner of the room on a green beanbag, studying again.

Bree rolled her eyes. "Seriously?! Do you have to ruin my mood every single time?! Just because you study really hard,it doesn't mean you can pressure me!" Bree said in Karen's direction.

"Just saying. I just care about you. I don't want you to end up wasting your life and having a bad job." Karen shrugged.

"None of your beeswax." Bree spat.

"Immature." Karen muttered under her breath.

"I heard that." Bree narrowed her eyes.

"Girls,girls,calm down!" Mr Campbell laughed behind his newspaper.

Karen Campbell was the competitive type. She had to win. Karen was not the fun type of girl. In fact, she'd never got 'time out' before. Karen had won every contest and passed every test she had done. She was a winner....but she took things too seriously.

"So...uh..I was thinking Mom, it's a thing for my birthday party...." Bree walked into the kitchen to talk to her Mom.

"Yes doll?"

"There's one more person I'd like to invite." Bree blushed and pushed a strand of blond hair behind her ear.

"Oh? But you've already invited all your old school besties and your new school friends...who could you ever invite now?!" Melanie asked.

"Well...there's this boy I met today..." Bree's voice trailed off.

By the mention of 'boy' Melanie, Oscar, Karen, Summer (Bree's 15 year old sister) all froze in shock.

Bree's 5 year old brother Troy didn't seem to care,for he is playing on his scooter indoors.

"How many times does Mom and Dad have to remind you not to ride your scooter in the house?!" Karen scolded, breaking the silence.

"Geez Karen! Stop being so boring and old like Mom!" Summer said to Karen.

Summer and Bree had similar personalities-both outgoing and fun. But sometimes, Summer went a little overboard...

Mr Campbell shook his head out of the haze. "And Bree? The boy thing? Are you two going to hang out sometime in our house or something? I'd like to meet this boy before we invite him."

Mrs Campbell nodded. "Yes,I think he's right dear."

Bree sighed. "I can't believe you guys...but fine. You'll see how nice he is. And I've already talked to him about coming over today-next week Wednesday. Four-thirty."

"Excellent." Karen piped.


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