Chapter 31 : War Is Here

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Twelve people followed behind Conner tiredly as he led them closer and closer to the Fairy Kingdom to see his sister, and to help her gain herself.

"Are we there yet." Troy mumbled to his Mother again. Mrs Campbell didn't answer him but huddled the five year old close to her leg, walking slowly together.

Olivia, or 'Coralia', stayed close to Conner but not too close in the way that other people might suspect or find it odd. Bree walked near Conner as well, in a rather protective manner.

Suddenly, the ground roared and rumbled like as if there was an earthquake. "AN EARTHQUAKE! EVERYONE BEND DOWN!" Doctor Bob yelled and threw his arms over his and Charlotte's head. Everyone were alarmed by him and all followed his action but Conner calmed them down after it stopped.

"No it's not an earthquake! It's my sister. She's here. People told me that she'd turned evil, that's why we're going to stop this right now and help her." Conner announced and Charlotte gasped at the becoming-evil part. "I'm sorry mom." Conner gestured to her and Charlotte's eyes were filled with tears. "My sweet baby Alex! What has gotten in on her!" Bob hugged her in support and stroke her hair.

Olivia spoke, scaring everyone "Well you people heard Conner! Let's get there fast!" She gave a smile to him, Conner smiling back and the rest of her squad all looked confused. Bree was the most shocked and jealous one of them all. She didn't know that she had gotten so protective and possessive over Conner.


"We have to get to Conner immediately. Alex is going crazy." Goldilocks said to Jack and all the members of the Fairy Council, whom they'd rounded up earlier. Emerelda helped Red to land on the floor, getting rid of Alex's spell.

Jack nodded and hugged his pregnant wife with defence.

"Thank you so much! If I was up there for another minute I would've died! Thank you so much! And ooh! I love your hair! Very nice and green!" Red bursted out tears of happiness and shook Emerelda's hand vigorously.

"That's alright, it's my job to help people." Emerelda tried to be warm and happy, trying to release her well-shook hand. She flied behind Tangerina and stayed there, avoiding Red.

Froggy went over to Red and asked if she really meant that she liked Emerelda's hair and thought it looked great. Red eyed Emerelda before whispering, "Oh darling of course not! I was just trying to be nice! That green hair is so bold and hideous. But don't tell her I said this..." Froggy hid a giggle as Red waved with a fake small to Emerelda.

"Does anyone know where Alex is right now?" Xanthous coughed, breaking the silence.

"Ah yes, a couple of guards told me that they saw her go to the highest tower in this castle, and that she was with two other girls. No one knows where they are now but I would guess in the Little Red Riding Hood village." Jack replied to him.

"My tower and my castle and my village! It's all mine" Red muttered loudly to herself, thinking no one heard but everyone glanced at her for a second long enough before she turned around.

"We should spilt up. Me, Rosette and Coral shall stay here in the castle and check everywhere to see if Alex and her two friends are hiding somewhere. Xanthous, Tangerina and Violetta could search the village and the forests for them. Goldilocks and Jack could search and round up more followers to help us. Find as much people as you can, or fairies or trolls or whatever. Then finally, Queen Little Red Riding Hood, Prince Charlie and oh! I forgot about Emerelda! Oh that's alright Emerelda if you don't mind can you please go with Queen Red and Princess Charlie to find Conner?" Skylene arranged the details and turned to Emerelda, who was pale just having the thought of being stuck with Red.

"Um.. alright. No problem." She said quietly and Skylene clapped her hands together, happy that she sorted everything out.

"Wait, before we go off are we sure that Conner is here?" Coral stopped.

Emerelda rolled her eyes at her. "Of course he is! How many times have we told you that."

Red spoke up excitedly. "Yes yes! I summoned him! Through the magic communication mirror or something I summoned him! This is all what I did! Thank you thank you!" She was bubbling with joy, proud that she'd done something.

Emerelda looked away. "Okay everyone, go and do your thing!" She sent everyone away until only her, Red and Froggy were left in the huge bedroom.

"Let's go friend! This is going to be so much fun! By the way, have you heard of Conner? He's my friend! He adores me and thinks of me as a great role model!" Red linked her arm with Emerelda's and chattered out of the room. Froggy sighed. He missed Rosa. He barely saw her again after finally meeting her on the balcony.

"Charlie?" A voice came out of nowhere and interrupted.

Froggy looked at the figure and widened his eyes. "Rosa!"


Meanwhile, Conner and the group came to a stop.

"Um, why are we stopping?" Mr Campbell was annoyed and just wanted to get there fast.

"Look." Conner pointed to the sky. Everyone looked and was shocked to see that it was covered in purple smoke and thunder started to break. Wind blew more chillingly and strongly and there was a cold pause.

"It's getting cold." Talia said to Taryn and hugged herself.

Mrs Campbell got closer to her husband and they looked worried as they got Troy and Summer close to them. Karen tried to remember all the science facts about weather and storms but her mind just went blank.

Bob got Charlotte in his arms and he held her tightly.

Adria stood with Bree and Olivia was talking to Conner about something serious.

"What is happening? I want to go home..." Summer started to cry for the first time in ages. She wasn't usually like this at all. Mr Campbell started to reassure her that everything was going to be fine. But even he didn't believe it this time.

"Everyone, come on! Quickly, follow me!" A new male voice floated into the air and everyone turned.


Alex made her way into the Fairy Kingdom and had managed to put a spell on all the guards, sneaking into the palace and sitting on the middle one of all the seven Fairies thrones. It was Emerelda's seat.

Gigi and Raven, now totally bewitched under a spell Alex did by putting a necklace on them, sat on thrones on either side of Alex. Gigi in Skylene's seat and Raven in Xanthous'.

Alex laughed in accomplishment, Gigi and Raven doing the same. They sat comfortable ly in the thrones.

"War is here." Alex announced in a cooling and deep voice.

Their laughters echoed through the palace and possibly through the entire land. War was coming, and everyone must prepare...

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