Chapter 20: Why weren't you behaving when I told you to?

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Conner chewed the straw from his iced-orange juice and placed the glass down beside him thoughtfully as he laid on the grass of the Campbell's background. The trees were blocking the sunlight from his laying position. It was the perfect way to relax after...this morning.

Why does everything have to be so hard for me? It had been quite a long time since Conner questioned himself this. So far, his life had been amazing...that is, until a crush went into his life.

Sighing, he got up from his back and picked up the glass of icy, cool refreshment, bringing it back into the giant kitchen, putting it in the shining metal sink. As he was about to go back to Bree's room to grab his bag, ready to leave anytime, he caught a slight glance of wavy brown hair lurking just in front of him. It came from the hallway.

His heart stopped.

"Olivia?" His voice wobbled and didn't sound as confident as he wanted it to be.

No sound.

"Are you there?" Conner called out into the darkness.

No answer.

Conner tried to walk as slowly as quietly as he could. He got to the hallway and stopped walking. Conner waited for a response.


Conner shrugged it off and casually walked into Bree's room to get his bag.

Meanwhile back in the hallway, the mysterious person bobbed up and hurried out of the room...

A piece of gum wrapper fell out of the person's pocket and landed on the ground delicately.

Conner gave his bag a swing and walked out of the room. He reached the front door when the neighbour's cat, Peaches screeched and jumped into the Campbell's room. Conner stood back, horrified. He didn't even know that cats could make that kind of sound.

"Calm down buddy! Just chill!" He told the cat, placing his arms in front of him." But the cat just tilted its head and jumped onto Conners's face, blocking his view.

"ARGHHH!" Conner yelled. It really hurt. He closed his eyes and accidentally bumped into a flower vase behind him.

"Whoops." He said and colour drained from his rosy face. Conner froze and put the cat down, something he could've done before that happened.

"Hmmm." Conner looked up and saw Mr and Mrs Campbell glaring at Conner with red faces.

Conner gulped.

"It-it was an a-accident?" Conner tried.

"Out. Now." Mr Campbell said sternly and pointed to the door behind Conner.

"But! But it was was an accident I promise!" Conner protested.

Just then, then cat ran through the pet flap in the door and got out as if it'd caused Conner to get in trouble on purpose.

"Sure. Lie about the cat. It's all on the cat." Mr Campbell narrowed his eyes and stared.

"But really!" Conner pleaded.

Mr Campbell held up a hand to stop him. "Enough. Please, I've had just enough of your silly nonsense. It was a bad idea to invite you here. I should've known."

Conner's head began to feel dizzy. Bree came into the room with her friends.

"Dad? What's going on?" Bree asked in a tiny voice.

"Nothing, sweetheart. Go in your room. I'll deal with this." He told his daughter. Mr Campbell's eyes never left Conner's.

Bree didn't move.

"Go. Go out that door and NEVER come back again. You are no longer welcomed in my family. I never want to see your face again!" Mr Campbell barked and his arms hovered in the air.

Conner's world suddenly became blurry and dizzy. He turned the doorknob and got out before he could see Bree's face.

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