I would- Harry

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“Brian? Are you okay babe?” you asked as your boyfriend enters the house, looking drunk.

“Just shut up Kayla!” he snaps.

You were taken aback by his strong reaction. He wasn’t always like this, this was the first time he got angry at you. He slumps down the couch, as you followed. You moved closer to him, but he pushes you away. You were a bit annoyed by his attitude.

“What is going on?!” you raised your voice at him.

He turns to you and slaps you hard on the face.

"SHUT THE F*CK UP KAYLA!” he shouts.

You returned him with an even harder slap.

“It’s another girl, IS IT?!” you screeched.

“So? What if it is? At least she’s a better kisser than you, b*tch!”

You stood up slowly, tears streaming down your face. You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces, all done by a few simple words. After all you’ve been through…. It ended up like this. Being cheated on. You felt so hurt by his words, you hardly said anything.

“I was wrong about you, you manwhore!” you yelled.

He ignores you and mumbles words under his breathe.

“We are through, you hear me?! T-H-R-O-U-G-H!”



You slammed the door shut, rushing towards your car. You were still crying, each tear dropped right on your jeans. You wanted to scream so loud, you were heartbroken. You wanted to break the glass, or throw something, or do anything that your anger wanted to burst out.

You put out your phone and called Harry. Harry’s a great friend, not like Brian. He was kind, loyal, and a gentleman. You wanted to be comforted by him, because in every problem that you encounter, he’s always the one who brings back the smile on your face.

“Hello?” his raspy voice answers.

“H-Harry? It’s Kayla…” you sobbed.

“Kayla? Is everything okay?”

"Can I come over at your house?”

“Of course you can.”

You put down the phone, your eyes were starting to get puffy. You never thought that this would happen. Brian seemed to be loyal to you, but you stand corrected. You parked your car in front of Harry’s flat. You knocked on the door, getting hiccups because of too much crying.

The door opened, revealing a surprised Harry.

"Kayla?!” he gasps.

You just burst into tears and jumped into his arms.

He carries you to the couch, and wraps you in his arms.

“What happened?” he asked.

You looked up at him with red and swollen eyes, tears still streaming down your face.

“B-Brian cheated on me….” You sobbed, hyperventilating.

“He did WHAT?”

You sniffled and blew on your tissue.

“I thought he loved me….”

“Kayla, I’m so sorry….”

He looks deep into your eyes and leans closer.

Rocking you hard (1D Dirty Imagines)(Closed Forever)Where stories live. Discover now