Chapter 1: The Accident

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Location: Dicey Cafe

Kirito POV

"Seriously, you should be more careful. Do you know how it felt when someone stepped on my tail?" asked Sinon before took a sip of coffee.

I gave a light nod for her question before turned my eyes to the table, and picked up the still steaming cup.

I brought the thickly-colored tea to my lips and could feel the heat stimulate my tongue. The strong bitter aroma of coffee beans drifted in the air as I scanned the cafe with both of my eyes.

The cafe has a compact layout with only four wooden tables and a counter with several stools next to it.

Several shelves filled with glass bottles can be seen behind the counter and a jukebox is placed against the yellow coloured wall. The cafe is a bright and colourful place that is both attractive and relaxing.

"What are you looking at?" Agil asked when our eyes met.

"Nothing, it just this place is so relaxing." I said while stretching my arms

Agil is the owner of this Cafe. Since both Sinon and I were the only customers today, he just sit at the counter and reading a newspaper.

" to explain why did you asking me to come here?" Sinon asked.

"Actually, I have a request"

"What is it?"

"Asuna's birthday is around the corner and I want you to help me choose her present."

"Mmm.....birthday may be tough since Asuna already had everything she wants."

"that's why I'm asking for your help. I will pick you at your apartment tomorrow at 2." I said

"Okay, but make sure you treat me after that " she said before went outside.

As I followed her through the door, the warm evening sun shines to my face. I immediately jumped on my superbike and rode it through the busy road.

When I get closer to the red light, I began to brakes my bike. Suddenly, something weird is happening.

My bike didn't slow at all. It seems like the brake has been broken.

I immediately turned my bike to the opposite road to avoid the pedestrians that were crossing the road.

It was the worst decision that I've ever made. At the road, I saw a truck was coming straight to me.

I put on my brakes again to stop, but my tires kept rolling. I could see that I was about to hit the truck, but I could do nothing to stop. I pumped again the brakes and that didn't slow me at all.

I felt my heart pounding and heard the truck's horn in my ears and then the terrible sound of metal as the truck bumper tore into my front tire.

My head smashed forward and I felt a lot of pain before my body when flying and collapsed onto the street without a sound.

A feeling that couldn't be described floated to the top of my heart. My chest tightened painfully and every breath felt difficult.

With my helmet still attached on my head, I try to stand up but I couldn't move my body at all.

Then, I heard a familiar screaming my name.


At a distance, a figure of a girl comes running to me.

I suddenly felt strength leave my body and. My vision faded out into blackness.


Asuna POV

"Its been awhile since we go shopping together right?" I asked my mother.

"Yeah, it really fun. Let's do it again someday." said Kyouko

At the moment we went outside through the glass door, we heard a big impact noise from the street. It sounded like two metal object smashed together.

At a distance, I saw a big truck stopped at the junction and in front of it was a wrecked superbike.

When I trying to take a closer look, I saw a man in a black shirt laying by the street with blood dripping from his shirt. That person is....


I quickly run to him, leaving all my things behind. A feeling of sadness and confused mixed in my heart as I run.

When I got to him, Kirito was unconscious. There were a lot of blood dripping from his body. I immediately took off his helmet before called his name.

"Kirito!...Kirito wake up!"


"Kirito..please wake up....d-don't leave me" I started to crying while hugging his body.


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LabyrinthDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora