Chapter 15: The Penis Cake (Boys Night)

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Niall POV:

The past couple of weeks with Jake have been absolutely amazing. Zayn and Liam are doing great, but more importantly Jake and I are. He see’s me in a different light no matter what it is. He is always trying to show how much he cares, which lets me know he is pretty damn right for me.

Harry and Louis have invited us over for couples night. We didn’t have it for a few because of all of the drama between Liam and Zayn. Since things have been patched up and Jake and I are a happy couple we have planned to have a movie night at Zayn and Liam’s.

----Later that Night----

“Niall Jake is here!” my dad yells from the bottom of the stairs. Can he never just alert me without causing a ruckus?

“Be there in a second!” I yell back. I rush out the room fiddling with my pants trying to put the buttons through the holes.

I head down to the stairs where Jake is standing there looking hot as fuck. He has ripped jean shorts and a grey tank showing off his muscles in all of the right places.

“I see you have trouble putting on pants, don’t worry they won’t be on for long” he says winking at me. My dad pokes his head around the corner to give a stern parental “I’m watching you” look to Jake.

“Come on let’s head over now. It’s the first time I have hung out with Liam since we were younger and since we weren’t hating each other either” Jake smiles, taking my head and leading me out the door barely giving me enough time to close the front door before we blast off to the get together.

Seconds later we arrive at the front door of Zayn and Liam’s, or should I say Liam and Zayn’s because it was Liam’s house first. It just feels so weird saying both their names in regard to one house, it’s like they are married or something, even though they just live together.

As we are about to ring the doorbell the door is flung open to reveal a grinning Karen Payne.

“Welcome boys! Me casa es tu casa! She says trying to sound all Spanish and such.

“How’d you know we were here?” Jake asks her.

She points up to above the front entrance to a corner on the brick walls where a surveillance camera is sneakily mounted.

“The kitchen holds a screen with all of the camera footage so I can see who is approaching the house before they even get to the door. Also I was a little bored making lasagna for you boys tonight. I even made a cake for all of you, come inside to see it, you will love it trust me!” she says getting herself all ramped up.

We follow her into the kitchen where the rest of the boys are drinking soda’s. and to our surprise we stumble across a cake in the shape of a penis with the words “happy gay day!” written on it in blue gel icing, and to top it all off there are 5 condoms stuck in the cake as decorations I believe.

“You like the cake? I put a condom in there for all of you boys.” She beams.

“Karen there are only 5 condoms, and there are six of us.” Harry states as he counts the decorations on the cake.

“I know that’s because Liam is a top and screws Zayn there in the hiney” she says.

“Oh my god mom don’t speak any longer, especially about our sex lives!” Liam intervenes.

“It’s okay we all know what you have packing Liam, you got it going on!” she walks out of the room laughing maliciously. Oh my god, note to self, never tell parents anything ever again!

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