c h a p t e r t w o

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My parents are visiting from Vegas and they offered to watch Teagan so I could have some time to myself.

Tyler's out of town for work so I've got nothing else to do.

So why not go to the cabin?


"Can you just sign the papers please? I wanna get this over with." I was already aggravated with him. He was taking his time reading the damn things and now he's trying to find any excuse he can to not sign them.

"Brendon," he pleaded. "can we please just fucking talk about this?"

"There's nothing left to talk about Ryan. I can't do this anymore. Now sign the papers or I'll just do it myself."

"You can't sign my name without my permission, you can get in trouble. And I don't want you to get in trouble." 

"Then sign them!" I shouted. He jumped back slightly, gave me a sad look and sighed. Finally, he signed the papers.

"Thank you." I said, taking them from him and heading to the front door. I'll be honest, I miss this house. It has a lot of good memories. This was Teagan's first home. This was the first home Ryan and I bought. We wanted it so bad and we got it and everything was perfect. And now it's all gone. It's empty. I don't know what he did with everything and I don't care to know.

"Brendon, please -" I walked out of the house, slammed the door and wiped away the tears I didn't want him to see and I got in my car and drove away.


"... like to request a song if I could?" The girl said on the radio.

"Sure! Go right ahead!"

"Could you play Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco please?" Of course.

The radio host played the song and half way through, I turned it off. There's some songs I wish I could forget about. Never have to listen to again.

The drive to the cabin was long and I was alone with the road and my thoughts. And the people on the highway trying to cut me off. Well, fuck you.


"This is Tyler," I smiled and introduced my boyfriend to my parents. They were kind of surprised that I had moved on so quickly. "Tyler, these are my parents."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." He shook my dads hand and gave my mom a hug. "Brendon's told me a lot about his family, it's a pleasure to finally see it for myself."

They loved him. I knew they would.


I met Tyler at a party I went to with Spencer. We were just getting ready to go on tour for the Too Weird album and he caught my eye.

I hadn't been with anyone since Ryan...

Tyler's amazing though. He means a lot to me and to be honest, I never thought I'd be happy with anyone ever again. Ryan really hurt me. I thought everything was great with us and then I find him with someone else.

I know, I cheated on him. And he forgave me and we moved on from it. He trusted me again and I worked so hard to make it up to him. I just can't believe he did that to me.

Finally, I made it to the cabin and I wasn't expecting there to be a car parked out front.
Ryan's car.

I sighed and debated on whether or not I should go in or just leave. I just saw him yesterday. But I do kind of want to see him again. And then I don't want to see him. He makes me feel so many things at once, it's so overwhelming and I'm afraid I'm going to break down in front of him.

It Must Be Mine | Rydon [Hate to Love you | SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now