c h a p t e r f o u r

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Tyler has a black eye and his nose is fractured. He's been pissed off all morning because of what happened last night

I told Jon and Spencer about what happened and they offered to take Teagan for the day.

"Why was he even here?" Tyler asked, pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

"He was dropping off Teagan." I said quietly.

"Why? Isn't he supposed to have her for the next two days? Why was he bringing her back?"

"I don't know! Why are you badgering me?"

"Just wondering why that asshole was in my house." I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up from the chair.

"This is my house," I told him. "I own it. I pay the mortgage and the bills. You just moved in without asking me."

"Oh, so you want me to move out now? Is it because of Ryan?" 

"What? No. I never said I wanted you to move out, you're being stupid." He scoffed and walked away from me. "And Ryan has every right to come here because we share a daughter. I would never tell him he couldn't come here."

"He doesn't need to come inside Brendon. He can stay outside when he picks her up or drops her off." I sighed.

"This is Teagan's home just as much as it is mine and if she invites her father inside, then he's more than welcome to come in. I won't stop him from being here just because the two of you can't get along." It was me walking away this time and I stormed down the stairs to the basement and locked myself in the studio. 

Tyler doesn't come down here anyway, but I lock it just in case. This is my personal space. Only Teagan, Spencer, Jon and myself are allowed to be down here. 

I sat in the rolling chair and put my head in my hands, sighing loudly.

Maybe Ryan was right. Maybe I'm making a mistake, moving on too fast and getting married all of a sudden. My mom's been trying to call me but I've been ignoring it. I don't feel like listening to her bitching right now.

"You just got divorced Brendon!"
"You're moving too fast!"
"Don't make the same mistakes as last time!"

And so much more. 

I picked up the keys on the desk and found the right one, leaning down and putting it into the lock on the drawer. I unlocked it and pulled the drawer open, and I dug all the way to the bottom and grabbed the picture that I keep there. The picture that shouldn't even be in my house. But it is.

I hold it up and I smile sadly. It's Ryan and I, after the band got signed and we were at that stupid apartment in Maryland. We were just fooling around, he was trying to tickle me and I kept laughing my ass off and Spencer snapped a picture without us knowing until he got them all developed.

Ryan looks happy and he's smiling and looking at me with so much love and I'm laughing with my eyes closed and my head tilted backward. His hands trying to go up my shirt. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

A tear fell onto the photo and I hadn't even realized I was crying. I put the photo away before I made it worse for myself and I picked up my lyric book and a pen and started working on lyrics for the new album.

It was scary how fast the words came to me.


I spent most of the day in the studio. When I went upstairs, Tyler was gone.

No note or texts or anything. I didn't even hear him leave. So I sat on the couch and started thinking about what the hell I'm doing with my life.

I've got three albums out. I've got an amazing daughter and great friends. I'm not all the happy. I miss the way things used to be, before I got home from the last tour. 

It Must Be Mine | Rydon [Hate to Love you | SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now