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"Alexander please bring your brother down and come watch," I called from the bottom of the staircase. I walked back into the spacious living room and sat next to my sister who was fidgeting nervously.
"It's the Quarter Quell. What do you think will happen?" Katerina questioned.
"I don't know," I responded with a sigh, "but it can't be good."

A lot has happened in just a year. The two tributes from District Twelve had developed a romance in The Games, and it was announced that two tributes could be crowned victorious if they resided from the same District. That rule was revoked after my tribute, Cato, was killed leaving only Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Instead of them fighting each other, they planned to go out together by eating Nightlock berries at the same time, leaving no victor. Of course this act wouldn't be acceptable, so Seneca Crane stopped them just before they ate the poison and announced them the victors of the seventy-fourth Hunger Games. This sparked rumors of rebellion which I honestly would be all for considering my strong hate towards the Capital and nearly everyone there. President Snow was sure to do something in order to prove his dominance and power over all of Panem, and this was likely his chance to do so.

President Snow appeared in the center of the projector, his cold eyes seemed like they were staring into mine and the smirk on his face was unsettling. I began to get a bad feeling, apart from the ones I usually associated with Snow. I didn't want to watch.
"Alex bring Radley down!" I shouted again.
Alexander entered the room holding the crying toddler in his arms. "He won't stop crying." I stood to retrieve my youngest sibling and take him into the kitchen to get him a bottle of milk.

I walked back into the living room where Snow was still speaking.
"Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by games of a special significance. And now on this, the seventy-fifth anniversary of the defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell." The crowd cheered which only angered me. They're applauding the inevitable death of twenty-three kids. Once the applause died down, President Snow continued.
"As a reminder that not even the strongest can overcome the power of the Capital, on this, the third Quarter Quell, the male and female tributes are too be reaped from the existing pool of victors."

Suddenly, I went numb. I went momentarily deaf, not hearing my younger siblings gasp and start crying, not hearing Katerina call my name. I blankly stared at the wall, my mouth slightly agape. I didn't even notice when Katerina took Radley from my arms, and finally jolted me back to reality by placing a gentle hand on my shoulder causing me to jump nearly out of my own skin. I looked down at her and saw tears and utter sadness swirl in her eyes identical to mine. The air inside the house began to feel stuffy, making me feel like I was suffocating. I was quickly running outside in hopes to get some much needed fresh air. I hadn't made it far out into the courtyard when, in my dazed state, I tripped over my own two feet and fell face first onto the pavement. I began to hyperventilate as fear and panic consumed me. Lyme, my mentor and close friend, came outside of her house across the pathway and ran straight towards me, holding me in her arms. Sobs raked through my body.
"Mai, everything will be fine," she tried to soothe me.
"They're sending me back," I sobbed. Lyme stroked my hair, letting me cry into her chest.
"Look at me Maisie." I lifted my head to look up at her. "You'll be fine; whether at home or in the games you'll be alright."

Her words should have brought me comfort, but they didn't. All I felt was panic. What if my name was called out? What if I was going back into those games that brought me depression, fear, were the cause of all of my nightmares, and ultimately ripped apart my family? I would be leaving my siblings again with no one to take care of them. Thinking of my siblings I knew I had to pull myself together; I promised myself I would be strong for them. I took a deep breath and wiped at my eyes, calming myself down before giving Lyme a nod telling her I was alright.
"I'll come get you tomorrow for the reaping," she told me before she walked back into her home. I proceeded to take deep breaths as I walked up the stairs leading to the front door of my home.

I found my siblings all sitting on the couch in silence. I walked in front of them and knelt down.
"I'm sorry I acted that way. Everything will be okay. I-if my name is called tomorrow, I need you two to stay strong. Take care of each other," I told Katerina and Alexander.
"This isn't fair," Katerina growled before stomping up the stairs and slamming her bedroom door. I sighed and took Radley from Alexander.
"Go get washed up and I'll start dinner," I stated softly. I placed Radley down on the living room floor where I could see him then made my way into the kitchen to begin making soup.

I was beyond angry. I couldn't believe they would be sending us back into an arena to kill each other. My mind drifted to my friends; Johanna, Beetee, Mags, Cecelia, and Finnick. Cecelia had three children, Mags was one of the oldest tributes still alive, and Finnick...if he was going back so was I. We were a team. Ever since we met when he was on his Victory Tour we promised to protect each other. Putting the thought of him being called as tribute in the back of my mind, I left the soup to simmer on the stove to check on Katerina.

I softly knocked on her door, then peeked my head in when I didn't receive an answer.
"Kat," I called quietly. She was lying face down on her bed. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her back. I heard her sniffle into the pillows her face was buried in.
"Sweetie will you talk to me?" Katerina slowly sat up, tears streaked down her cheeks. I wiped my hand gently under her eyes and smiled softly.
"When you got home you said you wouldn't leave again."
"I know, but I didn't know this would happen."
Katerina suddenly enveloped me in a hug. "Promise me you won't go."
"I can't make that kind of promise you know that," I stated with a sigh. I tightly hugged her back, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.
"Go wash up. Dinner is nearly ready." I walked back downstairs into the kitchen, Radley still playing where I had left him. I was torn. Katerina and Alexander couldn't take care of a two year old by themselves. I could barely take care of Radley when I was eighteen. I had no idea what I was going to do.

Alexander and Katerina came walking into the kitchen a few minutes later and helped set the table. Dinner was for the most part very silent. We all agreed to go up to bed early that night since we had to be well rested for the day tomorrow. After I had put my siblings to bed, I decided to take a bath. I watched the water fill the steel bathtub before I slowly entered the warm water. I was hoping that the chamomile and lavender bath oils would help me to relax, but I still felt scared and confused. I then submerged myself under the water and let out a frustrated silent scream that was only accompanied by bubbles.

Salvation: A Finnick Odair StoryWhere stories live. Discover now