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We sat like that for quite a while, just holding each other in a comfortable silence. We were taking each other in like it had been years since we last met. Only when Katerina entered the room did we untangle ourselves from one another.
"These are for you," she held out folded materials in her hands which I only assumed where clothes that looked similar to hers.
"Thank you. Go ask Mrs. Everdeen if I'm alright to leave," I instructed my sister, watching her walk out before standing up out of the bed.
"Let me help," Finnick offered. He gently untied the hospital gown and let it drop to the floor around my feet. I watched his face as his eyes scanned my body slowly, a frown etched into his features as he looked at my pale skin which was discolored with blossoms of purple, blue, and brown.
"Hey," I whispered, trying to get Finnick out of his thoughts. His head snapped up to meet my eyes and I offered a smile. "I'm a lot better than I look. I promise." All he did was nod and help me into the grey jumpsuit.

Just as I was finishing up getting dressed Mrs. Everdeen entered the room.
"Feeling well?" She asked.
"A lot better actually," I replied.
"Seeing that you're well enough to stand and walk we will let you go. Finnick keep an eye on her, we'll be doing checkups often."
"Yes ma'am," he replied.
"Thank you," I stated as Finnick lead me out of my hospital room.
"Is Katniss alright?" I asked. Finnick looked surprised that I was thinking about her right now.
"Um she's okay. When you all came back she went to visit Peeta. He ended up choking her nearly to death. She's been in medical for a day or two."
"They hijacked him." I simply stated, images from my time in the Capital flashing in front of me. I felt dizzy and nearly lost my balance, but Finnick caught me in time.
"You okay?"
"Yeah...I'm fine."
"C'mon, let me show you our place," Finnick said with a small, excited smile.

We ended up standing outside a door in the housing unit, closer to medical than the others.
"It's not as big and lavish as we're used to, but it's better than nothing," Finnick stated with a sigh as the door slid open. I walked inside, examining the quite bare interior of the apartment if that's what you could call it.
"Welcome home!" My siblings shouted as they came to greet me.
"Home is wherever as long as I'm with all of you," I said, shooting Finnick a smile. There was suddenly a knock on the door which Finnick went to answer.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but can I talk to Maisie?" I heard a familiar, but raspy voice ask. I shooed my siblings back into their room and walked up behind Finnick's tall figure, peaking around his shoulder to see who was there.

"Katniss," I stated slightly surprised. She responded with a small smile. "Come in." Finnick moved out of her way to let her walk past and we sat down at the small kitchen table.
"I'm sorry to ask this of you especially since you just got here, but I need your help. President Coin asked me to go to District Two to get them on our side. I would like for you to come with me. I need someone who knows the area and the people, someone they're more familiar with and trust," Katniss explained.
"Sure I'll go," I answered.
"I really don't think that's a good idea," Finnick put in.
"Well why not?" I asked.
"You can't leave! Not now! You'll be put in danger again."
"I need to help. This is what I signed up for," I argued.
"This whole ordeal is what got you caught by the Capital in the first place."
"You agreed to the plan too. We all knew there were consequences and threats that came with it. I'm the only one here who knows Two inside and out." All Finnick did was sigh which meant he knew I was right and didn't know how to argue back.
"When do we leave?" I asked Katniss.
"In a few hours," she replied.
"I'll be ready."
"Great. I'll have someone come to get you." I escorted Katniss out and caught a glimpse of the look she shared with Finnick. Once I closed the door I sighed heavily.
"Why are you doing this?" Finnick asked.
"Because our job isn't finished yet." I walked towards him, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"I'll be safe this time, I promise. It's my home."
Finnick kissed my forehead softly. "Just make sure you come home to me."
"Of course."

Salvation: A Finnick Odair StoryWhere stories live. Discover now