The Many Blonde Moments! (3)

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I had prom last week and it was amazing.  Me and my best friend Emily were on our way to prom and my mum was driving us.  It was a great journey.

However, Ciara happened to be holding and dealing with the Sat-Nav.  I don't know about Emily, but my mum and I were both worried about this.

About 20 minutes into the 40-minute journey, my mum asked my sister, "How far away are we from the venue?"

My sister paused for a thought, checking the Sat-Nav.  Ciara looked up to face my mum and said, "350 miles."

There was an awkward silence in the car for a couple of seconds before my mum and I broke the silence and started laughing.  350 miles cannot be completed in 20 minutes, never mind 40 minutes!  350 miles is nearly as long as the journey my family take to Ireland! All we were doing was going to prom! Not Ireland!

I turned to my mum and said, "I'm ever so glad that you read the Sat-Nav on our way to Ireland and not Ciara!"

Emily was worried for her as well.  All throughout the journey, Ciara was getting distracted by our conversations in the car and paying attention to us instead of the directions the Sat-Nav was giving!

Heather, who was already at the venue, sent a text to Emily when we were in the car and this was after the 350-mile scenario and when Ciara was still getting distracted.  She said:

Where are you?

Emily replied, saying:

Let's just say Holly's sister is leading the way...

Heather was laughing when we told her about Ciara in the car!  Her reaction seemed as if she wanted to be there with us, so she could see Ciara making a fool out of herself...

When Emily and I arrived at the venue, we were grateful that we arrived on time and that we survived that journey...

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