Chapter 1

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It was choas everywhere.

The king of Heartiz had been knocked out, and his knights had stood around him in a protective cirkle, thinking he was their victim.

They soon realized how wrong they where.


"SILECE." Arthur shouted out to the great hall. The people almost directly stopped at the sound of the King of Camelot's voice. "Can someone tell me where the hell the bride is?!"

That was when the knights realized.

"WERE THE HELL IS MY WIFE!!" Lancelot yelled. No answer.

That was enough to wake up the other king in the room.


"OH SHUT UP! YOU HAVING A SCREAMING COMPETITION ISN'T GOING TO FIND HER!" Tyra yelled while trying to clam her little Eleanor down.

"Sorry blueberrys." Merlin managed a weak smile. "Only worried for Linnea."

"She is going to be okay. She is a woman now. She can take care of herself. You made Eleanor worried with all your yelling!"

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course, Merls." He hold the little girl in his arms.

She had inherited his deep blue eyes, but her mothers brown and curly hair.

Eleanor smiled up at her father. She had her aunt's smile.

"Paaap!" she said happily. Pappa was Daddy in Swedish. She liked to play with the letters.

He looked up from her at the memory of his sister. His head still hurt after been punched unconsicious.

"Did you see how they looked?" He asked deathly serious.

"Paaap?" Eleanor asked worried. She didn't understand why her father was so serious and not happy.

He smiled weakly at her. " I'm alright, love." He gave her back to his queen and looked at Lancelot. "So?"

"It was hard to see. They where like blurry black shapes.. All I could point out was that they wore capes. All black." The new husband to the princess of Heartiz couldn't get her last words out of his head. "I love you Lance!"

"Gaius?" Merlin called after the old man.

"Yes Merlin?"

"Do you recognize any of that from your books?"

"I think- I think so. Let me look in my books..." And the old man walked to his chambers.

"We'll have a meeting soon to discuss!" Arthur stated.


Merlin stood a bit away from the round table. He had never actually sat by it so he felt a bit uncomfortable.

But then Tyra took his hand in his and lead the way to the table. The sat down next to Arthur and Gwen.

The knights of Camelot sat mixed with the knights of Heartiz, just like old friends.

"So, Gaius, do you know what took her?" Merlin asked.

"Well, it looks like a very old and powerful spell. Only a person who could have studied magic for years could have done that."

"So?" James said.

"So, it wouldn't be hard to track this person. There isn't many people who are able of doing this charm." Gaius answered the prince. Arthur looked down, a little embarassed. His father was one of the reasons there where so few who knew that magic where good. The people of Camelot had only begun to learn that magic wasn't bad. There where still people against it.

"How many are powerful enough?" Merlin asked.

"Well, around ten that I know of, you included. Five of them I know would never done it, if they weren't in a life or death situation, not you included, Merlin." He looked at the man he had thought as a son for all these years, now sitting as a king, with his beautiful wife. But his eyes where older than any other man at his age. He had seen too much for being so young.

His home being taken away from him.

Being a servant in a kingdom where he could never show his true self.

But he did.

And he died.

He was brought back, but that was not really the point.

When he had told his best friend he deepest secrets, he had hated him.

But now he was accepted by all of his friends.

He had been brought back, but his arm was now made of silver.

He had once lost his magic. A part of him.

He had once lost his both siblings, for eight years.

His own father had died in his arms.

And he was only barely 25.

It had been two years since the battle of Camelann.

"Then we have to travel to find these people who could have a background to do it." The warlock said.

/AN: IT'S SHORT I KNOW!! So sorry!! And u still don't know if Linnea's okay, or where she is, or who took her. But I know.


Happy new year! /

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