Chapter 3

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Merlin's eyes where in the direction at the celing, but he wasn't looking. He was too deep in thought.

"Tyra?" He asked softly to his wife who was laying next to him.

"Yes, Merlin?"

"You know that day, you never said which word you used to bring me back..?"

She was quiet for an whole minute, so he thought she didn't want to answer.

"'Merlin'" She said.


"No- yes- I meant like that was what I said: 'Merlin'. " Merlin furrowed his brows.

"But- why?" He sounded so confused. "There's nothing special about my name?"

"There's so much that's special about your name. The name is the best way to describe you without using the words amazing, beautiful, just, kind, selfless, funny and so many more. Merlin is all that. And that I didn't use 'Draglin'..."

"You always say I am selfless and just and all those things. You are being far to generous. You are saying it like I am the most perfect human being to exist. And there's a lot of better people in the world. Arthur for an instant. He's the once and future king for god's sa-"

She rolled her eyes. It was impossible to see the beautiful green color of them in the darkness. "You are EMRYS for god's sake. Why can't you never except a compliment?"

"That was not just any small compliment, now was it?" He lifted one of his eyebrows until he remembered that it was dark in the room. When no answer came back he kept on talking. " I left my people when they needed me most. Don't even think about interrupting. Those bandits that captured Linnea easily nocked me down when I should have been protecting my little sister. I am not that good as you said I was."

Now it was quiet, until Tyra heard Merlin snore. She knew she had to find a good argument to show how wonderful he actually was.


Linnea woke up, and for a split second didn't remember where she was.

Then it all came back to her.

'That badstard.' She thought.
'He always had to come in to ruin it when she least wanted it. We where supposed to be a happy family.'

A single tear came out from one of chocolate brown eyes. She was like a painting sitting there under little window in the darkness. Her beautiful blue armour-like dress was torn but still looked striking on her.
She was supposed to be celebrating her wedding now, with her husband.
'Is there some kind of curse on my family?'

{twentynine years earlier}

The Doors to the tavern opened and a dark haired woman brust through. 

She went straight forward to the bar and sat down at a stool next too it, igornig all the longing looks from other men in the room. 

"One ale." She said as the bartender looked at her. 

"Don't you think that is a bit too strong for you, sweetheart?"The man next to her asked her. 

She turned too him and gave him a sugar sweet smile and eyes screaming 'I'll personally stab you if you call me that again' and answered. "I think I can handle it."

The man had an hood that cowered half of his face. But the half you could see wasn't beautiful. His nose had been broken atleast once, because it was that crooked like that. He had a scar that went from his cheek down under his lip. 

The bartender came and gave the woman her ale, which she drank up at once. 

The man looked slighly suprised at her. 

"Leonard." He said, bringing forward his hand. 

She shook his hand.





I have had the worst writers block, in human history. 

Last update was in febuary and now it is the end of June. 

Well done, self. /

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