Chapter 2

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My head hurts like hell...

That was the first thing that came to Linnea's mind when she wake up.

She tried to move her hands to her head.

Handcuffs. Just great.

"I am so s-sorry. T-they would hurt m-me if I didn't help them. Tot-ture me m-more. I was so scared. S-so scared. I didn't want t-this to happened." A terrified voice said. She quickly sat up and turned to the voice. It only made her head hurt more but she didn't care. She was in a cell.  The window was so small that it only could bring in a little light, but not so she could look out of it.

The owner of the voice was an old and beated man.

"What do you mean? Where am I? I need to get out of here!"

Her memory begun to came back to her.

The wedding.

The sound of a body falling to the ground.

The kidnap.

"WHERE THE HELL AM I?!!!" She screamed, only showing anger and  irritation, but there was other feelings right under the surface.



She hadn't felt like this in a few years, since last time someone found out who she was and took her away.

Being a royal, you know that there are people who would love to take a 'defenseless' princess with them, and then get some money out of it.

Or something else.

"You shou-uldn't ha-ave scre-eamed. He-e'll know you're a-awake." The old man said.


But the word had barley escaped her mouth before he stood in the hall outside the cell.


That was the only word in her mind.

Anyone but not him.

Deep breath.

Her talents in not showing emotions helped now.

Her face showed no emotions at all.

But on the inside the young woman was plainly terrified.

His face had a mad an cruel grin stuck to his face.

But it didn't reach the eyes.

It never had.

This man had been in her nightmares for so long.

He walked into her cell.

She watched every move he made.

Every step he took to come closer to where she was.

The only thing you could hear was the deep breaths of the old man.

He took her face in a tight grip between.

She knew there was no idea in drawing her face back.

Instead, she only looked in his eyes.

Now an emotion was forming in her face.


"Well, hello, Princess." He said.

"Why. Am. I. Here?" She said through gritted teeth.

"Haven't your father taught you any manners- oh sorry. But, seriously, a Princess should know how to greet such an old friend." He said the last word like it was venom.

A raw laugh left her throat.

"You. Have. Never. Been. My. Friend."

"Sad that your little womanly mind thought that out for you. Was it hard to come up with that lie?" If she said more against him she knew by experience that it would only make it worse. She was close to the line on the previous answers,  but if she answered now, it would be way over it. "Pity, you used to have so much spirit." 

If she was a wolf she would have snarled.

Merlin had called her wolf from time to time...

Merlin... Gods, she'd only been awoke for a little while and she already missed her brothers and boy- husband. She had to get used to that...

He had let go off her face and had turned to face the only light souse in the room, the little window you couldn't even look out from because it was so small.

It was quiet for a while.

"Just one question." She broke the silence.

He turned around to face her, looking slightly surprised. "You used to have loads when you where little..."

"Why him?" She nodded her head to where the old man sat in his cage. "We both know you could have done it yourself..."

"More fun this way." But his mad and cruel grin didn't wasn't so mad anymore. It still didn't reach his eyes. 

She got it. He was afraid. But of what? 

And she'd never seen him like this before.

He was the man of her nightmares.

What could he possibly be afraid of?

/AN: I know, it's been ages.

But I have been having a little writers block (very little) and well, been tired af.

I have edited like all of the chapters on part one. It's probably better now.

I love you all you cute blueberries!

Bow-ties are cool!/

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