Stay or Leave? ( This is a real chapter! )

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Hello Darlings! This is the last chapter of 6 Guys, 1 Love!

Thank You all for the votes and views on this book!

Now Let's get into it shall we?


* Talking *

Previously : " She will never be yours! I love her too much for her to leave to go back to North Carolina, even if she doesn't love me back " I heard Vanoss say when he was standing up glaring down at Cartoonz who was glaring back. " You love me? " I asked couldn't help the blush on my cheeks with an shock expression on my face when I made it back to the table grabbing the boys attention.


Delirious P.O.V

I stared at Vanoss speechless with an blush on face. He stared back at me with a red face. " Delirious I- " he started but Luke cut him off by grabbing me by the arm dragging me out of the parlor. Luke dragged me through the parking lot until I stopped not wanting to go any further. " What the hell!? " I yelled tugging my arm back. He let go turning to face me. " Jenny come back to North Carolina with me " he insisted taking my hands in his. I pulled my hands from his taking a step back to look at his form. " Why would I want to go back there when I'm perfectly fine here? " I questioned watching him put a scowl on his face. " Don't you want to see your family? or Aren't you homesick? " he questioned getting closer to me. I crossed my arms over my chest. " Why would I want to go back to North Carolina to see an father walk out on his family when I was 3, an mother who is an alcoholic, and a sister who only comes when she needs help or money!. Homesick!? HA! I love it here. I have a nice home,good friends, and a boyfriend to share the rest of my life with. " I yelled turning away from his walking back into the parlor to confess my love to Vanoss. I was engulfed by arms wrapping around my waist with a husky whisper In my ear. " Why go to him when you have me~? " he purred. I struggled in his hold trying my best to get away from him.

" DELIRIOUS! " I heard a voice shout my name. I saw Vanoss with the guys standing in front of the parlor. The guys had disgust on their faces while jealousy and angry showed on Vanoss's. " VANOSS! " I shouted still struggling in Luke's hold wanting to get far away from him and into Vanoss's arms. " LET HER GO! " shouted Vanoss running with the guys right behind him to get to us with fury in his Chocolate eyes. " Now why should I do that when she is coming back home with me? " asked Luke in a innocent mocking voice. That stopped Vanoss in his tracks. " She is not leaving especially when she has to go back with an bastard like you! " Vanoss seethed punching Luke on the side of the face when he was vulnerable. Vanoss grabbed me pulling me into his arms wrapping his arms around my waist. " Delirious are you OK? " asked Vanoss concerned for the me - the one he loved. I looked into Vanoss's eyes smiling leaning forward to connect our lips in a passionate kiss. We heard the cheers on their other friends and the frustrated growls from Luke.

We broke apart looking into each others eyes. " I love you Vanoss. " I whispered snuggling into his chest. " I love you too Delirious. " replied Vanoss kissing me on top of my head. The guys ran over huddling around the couple congratulating our relationship and apologizing about their behavior. " Vanoss don't you have something to say to Delirious to? " questioned Mini looking at Vanoss with knowing eyes. Vanoss looked at Mini then down at me. " I'm sorry for the way I been behaving, " said Vanoss rubbing the back of his neck with an faint blush on his face. " It's OK babe, I forgive you. " I cooed kissing his jaw with a chaste kiss. " I'm glad everything went good for you asshole, but Jenny is still coming with me. " scowled Luke with his arms cross. " I have told you I'm not coming and that's final! " I shouted with an angry expression on her face. Luke stared at us and clapped getting surprised looks from the us and the group of boys. " You never cease to surprise me Delirious, You will always stick up for anything you love. " chuckled Cartoonz getting tackled by me. " You asshole! I thought you were gonna drag me back to North Carolina for real!! " I screeched laughing when Cartoonz picked me up.

" You really think I'm going to drag you back to the awful family of yours!? You must got me fucked up bad. " replied Luke placing me back on the ground. The guys looked confused to what just happen. " Um Wha just happen? " asked Nogla getting out of dazed state. I turned to face the confused guys. " It was all just a test to see if I would stay or not. " I replied walking back to the guys with Luke on my tail. " A test? " asked Vanoss engulfing me his girlfriend in his arms. " Yup! I do this every time when she finds a boy she likes, It's not the first time we have done this test. " commented Cartoonz standing in front of Vanoss. " So she isn't moving? " asked Vanoss wanting to be clear. " Nope! " I exclaimed snuggling into her boyfriend with a wide bright smile. Vanoss sighed in relief hugging me closer to him. " Hey man, I'm sorry I had to behave like that. I just wanted to see how protective you are over my little sister. " said Luke holding out his hand. Vanoss looked down at my face which I smiled back in respond making Vanoss smile. " It's OK. A brother has to do what a brother has to do to protect his sister. " said Vanoss shaking his hand. Cartoonz laughed bring Vanoss into a hug squishing me. " Um HELLO!? Fragile girl here! " I muffled squirming so I could get some air. " Think we should let her go? " asked Cartoonz. Vanoss looked down at me with that smirk of his. " Nah..I think it's time for a group hug, " said Vanoss getting smirks from the others." NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! " I shouted getting more squished. They crowded around Vanoss and Cartoonz sighing in happiness. At last they have all got what they wanted even though there weren't with me, they at least got to hug me and smell my sweet scent.


I'm so sorry for the sucky ass ending :( Guys. This is sadly the last chapter of 6 Guys, 1 Love, Unless i come up with an sequel......

Thank you so much for the support. Thank you again for Commenting, Voting, and Reviewing!!!

Word count: 1151

As Always, I shall see you guys Later!

Lonnah out~

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