Chapter 7

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Anna's POV

I can't believe it. I just can't believe that just happened. The boss had called again when we'd just arrived at the club. He told me in his gloating voice that he wasn't at the club, and that I'd have to meet him at a restaurant. A fancy. one, at that. A small part of me was relieved. A big, posh restaurant like that? There'd definitely be no violence there, or any threats that would echo loudly through my head, making me shiver. I'd be safer, as long as I got in the taxi safely afterwards and came up with a good excuse for using one. But on the other hand, it was in public, where everyone could see and listen. The boss had a bad habit of putting people on the spot, and I felt as this was a punishment, it would surely involve the public and everyone present and those who the words had been spread to, looking down on me. Brilliant! Just brilliant! As if I didn't hate him enough already for what he did to me!

"And doll yourself up sexy"

Ugh. When he said those words I was filled with disgust. I hated it when any man called me sexy. They didn't care about me and how I felt. My body. That's all that they cared about. My body and what they could do with it. Shivers went down my spine with the mere thought of it.

"Anna, can you please tell me why we're driving all the way back to your place. I though the boss had told us to meet him at the club?" Joey asked. i hadn't told him what the boss had just told me minutes ago. Only that we needed yo go back to mine. He agreed without any question until now.

"He wants me to go with him to The Shimmering with him tonight before my shift." I stated, rubbing my crossed arms. I was anxious for his reaction. He knew exactly what kind of place The Shimmering was. It's a place he'd always dreamed of going.

"Why would he want you to meet him there? Of all places? I thought he was mad with you?" he asked, a look of concern and confusion on his face. i could tell that this not only unsettled him, but filled him with jealousy. 

"I don't know, but I don't think it'll be the best night of my life." I murmured, sinking further into the chair.

"Why would you think that? It's The Shimmering! The most amazing restaurant on earth!" he stated, confused at why I felt like this, but at the same time a bit happy. Happy that I hadn't completely stolen his dream from him.

"Joey, he called me sexy. And said there'd be a surprise at the end. I really need you Joey! I don't know if I'm in danger or not." I said, my voice breaking a bit. I looked at Joey while a tear escaped my eye. He looked sorry for me. i could always tell how Joey felt, even without his face showing it. We were just that close.

"Hey, but look on the bright side." he said deviously.

"And what side is this exactly?" I replied, a cheeky grin slapped across my face.

"The side where you stole my dream, you cow!" he chuckled before I stared at him seriously, before we broke into fits of laughter. This always happened. We could never be completely serious with each other. Not even while talking about the boss, and his slightly balding head.

Simon's POV

We'd just arrived back at the house, and everyone literally jumped us. When I say everyone, I mean Vikk. 

"Hey, where d'you guys go? We were looking everywhere for you. We even tried calling you a couple times." Josh said, scratching his beard. Ah, he was slightly angry. Just what I needed.

"Sorry man... BUT GUESS WHAT?!?" JJ screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Christ, what? God, and please don't deafen me. I need my hearing mate." Vikk said in his thickest Yorkshire accent while covering his ears with his hands. JJ's reaction was what we all expected. A deafening laugh, which was later follower by actual words.

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