Chapter 9

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Anna's POV

My heart thudded in my chest. it felt as if it was going to explode. My chest felt tight, and I stiffened all over. I looked at the picturesque building and started to hyperventilate. 

"Anna, we're here. You okay?" Charles asked, placing his hand on my knee and squeezing it lightly.

"Yeah...I just need...need to... b-breathe." I said in between gasps. He moved his hand upwards around my shoulders which caused me to look up at him.

"Anna, Joey told me who you're here with. Don't worry. If he ever does anything to you I'll kill him, okay?" he said in an attempt to comfort me. The only thing was, I knew it was an attempt. I knew that even if the boss did anything, Charles couldn't do anything. He just couldn't. Even the police couldn't help him.

"Thanks." I whispered, opening the door. I wasn't ready. Not even near ready. 

"Hold on!" Charles shouted, jumping out of the car and running 'round it. He then opened the door for me and held out his other hand, which I gladly accepted. Even in a tracksuit and an old worn out t-shirt, Charles could still be charming.

"Thanks!" I smiled, as he led me towards the doors. I gawped at them in disbelief. They were truly incredible. There were two massive walnut doors, with decorative golden borders, accompanied by two golden door knobs which I knew were not cheap. Right in front of the doors, stood two poles with a red rope hanging from them. The barrier was paired with three men in neat attire, one holding a list, the others simply guarding the doors.

"Well, I guess you're off!" Charles sighed, pulling me into a tight hug before jumping back into his car and driving off. I looked at my phone. 19:03. Brilliant.

"Ah, Anna. Are we ready? Well, why do I ask, of course you are! C'mon then gorgeous!" he said, grabbing my wrist and tugging me through the doors into the first floor. 

     The only word I can use to describe the restaurant is magical. It truly is. Upon entering, men take your coats and you're brought to your table by an elegantly-dressed waitress. Then, when you've made it through clusters of exquisite tables, decorated to perfection, your ears are soothed by the sound of soft romantic music played by a quartet in the middle of the floor. Then, in the corned of the first floor you're greeted by a golden lift with see-through sides that's sure to lead you up to a higher version of the paradise you just walked through. This was slightly tainted for me by the grubby painful hand that was forcefully grabbing my wrist, but nonetheless, this was truly amazing. Once we stepped in the lift, we were in a state of awkward quietness, until he broke it. Rudely.

"So sexy, how's this place for you?" he chuckled, a demonic smirk slashed across his face.

"Erm, i'it's u-um good." I managed to stutter, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, look at me!" he shouted, grabbing my face and turning it towards him. I stiffened in fear. I felt like crying out for help, but I knew I couldn't. I was trapped in the elegant lift from hell. Then, he fulled my face closer to his, kissing me hardly, even biting my bottom lip and causing me to bleed a bit. This lasted a couple seconds before the ping of the lift arriving released me from his forceful kiss.

"Well, we've arrived. Let's go!" he exclaimed, grabbing my ass. I jumped and he simply chuckled at my surprise, grabbing me by the waist and ushering me to our table. I instinctively grabbed the menu, but he slapped my hand away.

"No need. You're having exactly what I'm having." he stated, disappearing behind his menu once more. Brilliant, this man not only scared me to death and controlled many aspects of my life, but he was now controlling what I ate. Great, what next? Controlling when I breathe? Suddenly, a small blonde waitress appeared, a wide smile across her face. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before clearing her throat.

"Hello sir! Hello madam! What would you like tonight?" she asked, energy coursing through her voice.

"Well, as me and her are so close, we've decided on ordering the exact same thing! Haha, well we'd like two courses of salad to begin with, then for the second course we'd like two dishes of sirloin with shiso scallion mashed potatoes. oh, and what did we want for dessert? Hmm, ah yes I remember! Two raspberry Napolean French Pastries! I'd also like a bottle of your finest champagne to celebrate!" he announced while the waitress scribbled quickly on the tiny square of paper she had.#

"Okay sir, only about half an hour! I'll bring you the champagne straight away!" she squealed, walking away. I was very confused. Celebrate? What did he mean by that? We had nothing to celebrate, but had plenty to mourn. What was he up to?

"Why did you take me here?" I asked in a burst of confidence. I instantly regretted it, as his devilish smirk swiftly turned into one of rage. I gulped in fear.

"You do not ask any questions like that, understand? I am your boss and you'll do what I say, got it?" he growled, not loud enough for anyone else to hear, but loud enough for it to send a chill down my spine.

"Y-yes s-sir" I croaked, looking at the floor. i just couldn't look at him. He made me feel so scared.

"Hey, this is meant to be a night for celebration! So drink up, and enjoy it before you return to the job I graced you with!" he cheered, just as the waitress returned with two champagne glasses and a bucket containing ice, napkins and the champagne. I looked at the champagne in relief. He said enjoy it, so I decided to. If I had just enough champagne, then maybe I wouldn't feel as scared. The waitress then set the bucket in the middle of the table and set the two glassed in front of us, before filling them with the golden bubbly liquid. I instantly chugged it down, which made him smile widely.

"Tonight's going to be so much fun!" he squealed, rubbing his hands together.

-skipping dinner-

After about two hours of answering absurd questions, eating half the food given, horrifying small talk and eleven glasses of champagne, he grabbed my wrist and looked me straight in the eye.

"Anna, whatever I do now, you have to say yes, understand?" he growled, still not letting go of my throbbing wrist. I winced in pain and nodded. He then let go of my bruised wrist and relaxed back into his chair. Even though that this had happened, it had still been quite a good night. The food had been amazing, and I'd even chatted with some people when the boss went away to do something quickly. But what he did next, I never expected him to do.

"Hello, can I please have everyone's attention?" he yelled, tapping his fork against the side of the champagne glass.

"Oh, how cute!"


"Oh, look at that! Amazing!". These were only a few of the things I could heard being said from the other people. They slowly disappeared into nothing and I just concentrated on him and what he was doing.

"Anna Mikaelson, I've adored you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Will you please be my lawfully wedded wife?" he asked, bending down on one knee revealing a silk box with a glinting diamond ring inside. He smiled and let a fake tear escape. I looked around, panicking. There was no way I could escape this.



I loved writing this part! Before writing this, I didn't even know that this would happen! I'm so happy right now! I have 19 subscribers yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Love you guys so so much! 

-Anna Lovrette

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